11th Illinois Infantry
(Three Years Service)

Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
ATKINS, Smith D. Major Freeport Feb 15, 1862 Apr 8, 1862 Promoted Col. 92d Reg’t
BLAKE, Louis C. Adjutant Rockford Oct 16, 1862 ---- Commission returned by Gen. Ransom; no vac’ncy
BREWSTER, Joseph W. Quartermaster --- July 29, 1864 Nov 17, 1864 Mustered out July 14, 1865
BRIGGS, William D. 2nd Asst. Surg. LaSalle co Jan 31, 1865 Feb 23, 1865 Mustered out July 14, 1865
COATES, James H. Colonel LaSalle May 22, 1863 July 8, 1863 M.O. July 14, 1865. Pro. Bvt. Brig. Gen. Mar 13, 1865
COATES, James H. Lt. Colonel LaSalle Mar 16, 1863 Jun 7, 1863 Promoted
COATES, James H. Major LaSalle Sep 4, 1862 Sep 23, 1862 Promoted
DAVIS, Guyan J. Quartermaster Freeport Aug 30, 1861 --- Mustered out July 29, 1864
DEAN, Henry H. Adjutant Rockford Oct 16, 1862 July 10, 1863 Mustered out July 31, 1864
DEWEY, George H. 2nd Asst. Surg. Collinsville Nov 2, 1863 --- Resigned Apr 1, 1864
DICKEY, Cyrus E. Adjutant Ottawa Aug 3, 1861 July 30, 1861 Pro. Assistant Adjt. Gen.
FILLER, J. Warren Lt. Colonel ---- May 1, 1861 July 1, 1861 Resigned July 4, 1861
HEISE, A. W. Surgeon Joliet Sep 25, 1861 Not must’d Declined
HOPKINS, Myron 1st Asst. Surg. Aurora Sep 17, 1864 Oct 5, 1864 Mustered out July 14, 1865
HUNT, Oliver G. Surgeon Sandwich Apr 1, 1864 Jun 28, 1864 Mustered out July 14, 1865
HUNT, Oliver G. 1st Asst. Surg. Sandwich Aug 29, 1861 Sep 25, 1861 Promoted
KENYON, Nathaniel C. Lt. Colonel LaSalle Sep 8, 1864 Dec 4, 1864 Mustered out July 14, 1865
LEWIS, Samuel O. Major Villa Ridge July 30, 1864 Dec 4, 1864 Mustered out July 14, 1865
LONG, Owen M. Surgeon Jacksonville Sep 25, 1861 Nov 11, 1861 Resigned Apr 1, 1864
McKEE, George C. Major Centralia May 22, 1863 July 8, 1863 Mustered out July 30, 1864
NEVINS, Garrett Colonel Rockford Mar 16, 1863 ---- Killed near Vicksburg May 23, 1863
NEVINS, Garrett Lt. Colonel Rockford Feb 15, 1862 Apr 8, 1862 Promoted
NEVINS, Garrett Major Rockford July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Promoted
PIERSON, Benjamin H. Chaplain Kinmundy Oct 12, 1861 ---- Resigned Jan 18, 1863
RANSOM, Thomas E. G. Colonel Farina Feb 15, 1862 Apr 8, 1862 Pro. Brigadier General
RANSOM, Thomas E. G. Lt. Colonel Farina July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Promoted
RANSOM, Thomas E. G. Major Farina May 1, 1861 ---- Promoted
SULCER, Abraham A. 2nd Asst. Surg. --- Sep 1, 1864 Not must’d Returned and canceled
THOMPSON, A. A. Adjutant ---- July 31, 1864 Dec 4, 1864 Mustered out July 14, 1865
WADDELL, Lloyd D. Lt. Colonel Edgeville May 22, 1863 July 8, 1863 Resigned Sep 15, 1864
WADDELL, Lloyd D. Major Edgeville Mar 16, 1863 Jun 7, 1863 Promoted
WALLACE, William H. L. Colonel ---- May 1, 1861 July 30, 1861 Pro. Brigadier General

11th Illinois Infantry
(Three Years Service)

Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BARDWELL, John W. Comm. Sergeant Winnebago Co Aug 10, 1861 Aug 15, 1861 Discharged Aug 10, 1864
BARRETT, Daniel Prin. Musician Memphis, Tenn --- --- Trans. to 46th Ill. Infantry
BLAKE, Louis C. Serg. Major ---- Nov 1, 1861 Nov 2, 1861 Promoted 2d Lieut. Co. G [Nov 22, 1862]
BOSTWICK, Solomon Serg. Major ---- Sep 10, 1861 Sep 1, 1861 Promoted 1st Lieut. Co. E [Feb 15, 1862]
BREWSTER, Joseph W. QM Sergeant Stephenson Co July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Promoted 2d Lieut. Co A [Aug 31, 1863]
BUCK, John Prin. Musician LaSalle Jan 27, 1864 Jan 27, 1864 Trans. to 46th Ill. Infantry
COTTON, Christian E. Prin. Musician Grundy Co July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Discharged Nov 21, 1863
CUNNINGHAM, Benj. R. Hosp. Steward ---- Jun 18, 1861 Jun 18, 1861 Discharged Jun 18, 1864
DISHON, Bethune QM Sergeant --- --- --- Mustered out July 27, 1865
ECHOLS, Thomas B. Serg. Major --- --- --- ---
EDLAND, Thomas Comm. Sergeant Marshall Co --- --- ---
EDLIN, Thomas C. Comm. Sergeant ---- --- July 30, 1861 Promoted 1st Lieut. 3d U. S. (C.T.), May 26, 1864
FRED, Phillip Comm. Sergeant ---- July 22, 1861 July 30, 1861 Red. to ranks July 7, 1863
INGHAM, Samuel H. Serg. Major --- July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Adjutant 10th La. (A. D.) Apr 15, 1863
KEITH, Bowen Comm. Sergeant ---- Aug 15, 1862 Aug 15, 1862 Absent, sick, at muster out
LOVE, Herrington QM Sergeant Winnebago Co July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Trans. to 46th Ill. Infantry
McFARLAN, George W. Prin. Musician --- Jan 22, 1864 Jan 22, 1864 Reduced. Trans. to Co. C.
McGHEE, James QM Sergeant Stephenson Co July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Promoted 2d Lieut. 10th La. (A.D.), Jan 8, 1864 [A.D.=African Descent]
McGOWAN, Dennis Prin. Musician --- --- --- ---
McINTYRE, William J. Hosp. Steward --- July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Promoted 2d Lieut. Co. C [Mar 5, 1864]
McQUILLAN, James Prin. Musician ---- Sep 19, 1861 Sep 19, 1861 Discharged for disability
SPRUCE, James J. Comm. Sergeant --- --- --- ---
STONER, Henry C. Hosp. Steward --- Jun 4, 1861 Jun 4, 1861 Transferred to 46 Inf.
THOMPSON, Alonzo A. Serg. Major --- Dec 1, 1861 --- Disch. Dec 4, 1864, for prom.
WHIPPLE, Frank H. Serg. Major ---- Apr 1, 1861 Apr 1, 1861 Trans. to 46th Ill. Infantry
WRIGHT, A. Vincent Prin. Musician Mason July 30, 1861 July 30, 1861 Discharged May 20, 1862

11th Illinois Infantry
(Three Years Service)

Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BALDWIN, M. H. Band Leader Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
ALCHIN, Robert Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
ARTZ, Prolia Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
ARTZ, Rufus B. Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
DEDRICKSON, Augustus Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
EATON, Chas. B. (No. 1) Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
EATON, Chas. B. (No. 2) Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
EATON, James Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
GRAY, Thomas Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
HALCUM, Charles W. Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
HENRICK, Charles P. Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
KIPP, Daniel Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
LARUE, Isaac Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
NETTLETON, Horace Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
NETTLETON, John P. Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Discharged July 29, 1862
SULLIVAN, Henry C. Musician Rockford Sep 23, 1861 Sep 30, 1861 Died Nov 20, 1861

11th Illinois Infantry
(Three Years Service)

Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
ADAM, James --- Aug 5, 1864 ----
ANDERSON, James Rockford Feb 28, 1865 ----
ARMSTRONG, Walter L. Amboy Oct 12, 1864 ----
ATCHISON, John H. Posey May 3, 1864 ----
BAINTER, Levy Amboy Oct 12, 1864 ----
BEDDOES, Samuel T. ---- ---- Veteran recruit
BLACK, David LaSalle Sep 2, 1862 ----
BROOKINS, James Will co Jan 28, 1865 ----
BROWN, Thomas K. ---- Feb 20, 1864 ----
BRUSSELS, Thomas Eppard's Point Feb 24, 1865 ----
BURK, John Amboy Oct 12, 1864 ----
CARR, John ---- Aug 25, 1864 See Co. M, 11th Cavalry
CARROLL, Jerry Edgewood ---- ----
CLAY, Charles H. Rochester Apr 28, 1864 ----
COTTRELL, Isaac F. Owen Feb 21, 1864 Deserted
DANVILLE, John E. ---- ---- See 11th Cavalry
DEARBORN, Frank Springfield Feb 18, 1863 ----
DOYLE, Michael Hall Feb 1, 1865 ----
EDWARDS, Ira W. Edgewood ---- ----
FORD, Charles A. Rockton Sep 23, 1864 Died Nov 9, 1864
GOODFELLOW, Calvin Owen Mar 4, 1864 Veteran; deserted
HALL, Selby W. LaSalle Mar 15, 1865 ----
HANNAH, James M. Woodbury Apr 9, 1864 ----
HARTY, Cornelius Branville Jun 28, 1864 ----
HOBURG, Gustave ---- ---- See 11th Cavalry
HOLT, John LaSalle Jan 20, 1863 ----
HOLTON, Fred ---- ---- See 11th Cavalry
HUTCHINSON, Sam'l J. Lacon Apr 9, 1864 ----
KELLEY, Joseph Hall Feb 1, 1865 ----
KELLOGG, Charles G. Norton Feb 24, 1865 See Co. L. 11th Cavalry
LAMENASTERS, Colum ---- ---- ----
MARTIN, Thomas Rockford Mar 24, 1865 Mustered out May 11, 1865
McDERMITT, William Chicago ---- See 11th Cavalry
MILLINGTON, Benjamin Rockford ---- Deserted
NICHOLSON, James Little Eagle Apr 9, 1864 Veteran
O'HERRON, Joseph ---- ---- See 11th Cavalry
PARKER, Benjamin F. Round Prairie Apr 28, 1864 ----
PETERS, William Rockford Dec 17, 1862 ----
ROBERTS, James W. Mechanicsburg Dec 6, 1862 ----
RUSSELL, Thomas Eppard's Point Feb 27, 1865 ----
RYAN, Michael Rockford Feb 10, 1863 ----
SHORTLETT, Thomas Amboy Oct 12, 1864 Rejected
SMITH, Leander Utica Dec 26, 1863 Deserted
SPORE, John C. --- --- Disch, Aug 31, 1864, Special Order No. 287, A.G.O., War D'pt., with forfeiture of all pay and allowanc's, and imprisonment at the Dry Tortugas during the war. Sentence of death mitig'ted. Released Aug 7, 1865, from Johson's Island, Ohio
STIPP, William Edgewood Oct 30, 1862 ----
STRIPLING, Samuel Central City ---- ----
THOMPSON, Andrew LaSalle Oct 23, 1862 ----
WAKEFIELD, George W. Ottawa Aug 26, 1862 ----
WARREN, James Adams Mar 1, 1865 ----
WELSH, Michael Salem Mar 31, 1865 Mustered out May 11, 1865
WHIPPLE, John W. Rockton Sep 30, 1864 ----

11th Illinois Infantry
(Three Years Service)

Unassigned Recruits, Substitutes & Drafted
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
ALEXANDER, Edwin J. Chicago Sep 1, 1864 Substitute
BENOIT, Joseph ---- Aug 29, 1864 Substitute
BESTAL, J. ---- Oct 3, 1864 Substitute
BONNER, James Newton Oct 10, 1864 Substitute
CANOVEN, John ---- Aug 2, 1864 Substitute
DELONG, Luther A. Harding Oct 13, 1864 Substitute
GRUNTER, Louis N. Town Sep 27, 1864 Substitute
JONES, Albert Okaw Oct 13, 1864 Substitute
LYONS, Abraham Palestine Sep 19, 1964 ----
MASON, Joseph Camp Point Oct 11, 1864 Substitute
PAYTON, Lawrence D. Lockport Oct 14, 1864 Substitute
RIGHTLINGER, Parson H. Elmwood Oct 13, 1864 Substitute
SMITH, John Shields Oct 17, 1864 ----

Transcribed by Gwen Beiermeister

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