97th Illinois Infantry
Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BAKER, William M Chaplain Quincy Sep 24, 1862 Sep 24, 1862 Resigned Dec 5, 1864
BUCHANAN, James G Major Nioga Oct 11, 1864 Jan 13, 1865 Mustered out July 29, 1865
COCKEREL, George C Quartermaster Alton Sep 15, 1862 Sep 15, 1862 Mustered out July 29, 1865
DAVIS, Charles Surgeon Alton Apr 1, 1864 July 1, 1864 Mustered out July 29, 1865
DAVIS, Charles 1st Asst Surg. Alton Sep 23, 1862 Sep 23, 1862 Promoted
DAVIS, Levi Adjutant --- Mar 1, 1863 Not must'r'd Declined commission
FRIERSON, John R Adjutant --- Mar 31, 1864 May 9, 1864 Discharged May 15, 1865
HORTON, Stephen W Major Effingham Sep 20, 1862 Sep 20, 1862 Dismissed Jan 20, 1863
HOWARD, Samuel R Adjutant Summerfield July 1, 1863 Jun 10, 1863 Promoted Captain Co. I
MARTIN, Lewis D Colonel Shelbyville Jun 15, 1864 --- Resigned Oct 11, 1864 as Lt. Colonel
MARTIN, Lewis D Lt. Colonel Shelbyville Sep 16, 1862 Sep 16, 1862 Promoted
McCLANAHAN, Thos. W Adjutant --- Aug 1, 1865 Not must'r'd MO July 29, 1865 as 1st Lt. Company F
RUTHERFORD, Friend S Colonel Alton Sep 16, 1862 Sep 16, 1862 Discharged Jun 15, 1864
SMITH, Constantine M 1st Asst Surg. Carlinville July 11, 1864 Sep 26, 1864 Mustered out July 29, 1865
SMITH, Constantine M 2nd Asst Surg. Carlinville Oct 2, 1862 Oct 2, 1862 Resigned Mar 16, 1863
TURNER, William D Surgeon Cairo Mar 14, 1863 --- Appointed Col. 6th US Heavy Art (Col.) Apr 1, 1864
VIFQUAIN, Victor Colonel Ft Kearney, N. May 10, 1865 Not must'r'd MO July 29, 1865 as Lt. Col.
VIFQUAIN, Victor Lt. Colonel Ft Kearney, N. Oct 11, 1864 Dec 26, 1864 Promoted
VIFQUAIN, Victor Major Ft Kearney, N. Feb 7, 1863 --- Promoted
VIFQUAIN, Victor Adjutant Ft Kearney, N. Sep 1, 1862 Sep 1, 1862 Promoted Major
WILLARD, Samuel Surgeon Bloomington Sep 5, 1862 Sep 5, 1862 Resigned Feb 2, 1863

97th Illinois Infantry
Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BEST, William E Serg. Major Gillespie Sep 8, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieut., Co. A, May 23, 1863
BURSLEY, Joel Comm. Sergeant Elsah Aug 11, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Reduced to ranks Co. K, Dec 16, 1862
COCKRELL, Jesse Comm. Sergeant Newbern July 31, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Reduced to ranks Co. K, July 25, 1863
CURTIS, J T Hosp. Steward Jerseyville July 15, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Disch, July 13, 1864 for pro. in 99th Ill. Vol. Inf.
HOAGLAND, R A QM Sergeant Alton Aug 11, 1862 Sep 16, 1862 Mustered out July 29, 1865
JOACHIMI, Max Prin. Musician Alton Aug 21, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Reducted to ranks Co. I, Jan 1, 1865
JOHNSTON, Hugh R Sergeant Bunker Hill July 31, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Mustered out July 29, 1865
MATHIE, William Serg. Major Bunker Hill Dec 31, 1863 Dec 31, 1863 Reducted to ranks Co. A, Mar 18, 1865
McKEE, William W QM Sergeant Alton Aug 8, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Reduced to ranks Co. A, Feb 4, 1863
McLEARY, B R M Comm. Sergeant Gillespie Aug 6, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Mustered out July 29, 1865
NOE, Charles R Serg. Major Charleston Aug 6, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Disch, Mar 16, 1864 to be 2d Lt. In Col. Troops
PENTZER, Patrick H Serg. Major Gillespie July 15, 1862 Sep 16, 1862 Promoted Captain Co. C, Feb 14, 1863
ROWE, James Hosp. Steward Alton Aug 13, 1862 Sep 16, 1862 Mustered out July 29, 1865
SCHAFFER, Simon C Prin. Musician Vandalia Aug 15, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Died Mar 17, 1863
WOODROW, Jackson D Prin. Musician Madison Co Aug 10, 1862 Sep 8, 1862 Returned to Co. D, Sep 24, 1864 as Fifer

97th Illinois Infantry
Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
ALEXANDER, William Dakota --- ---
ALLISON, Samuel Woodbury --- Discharged May 14, 1864
BAIL, Wickliff Vandalia --- Died, Camp Butler, Apr 6, 1864
BOWSACK, John Charleston --- Deserted
BOWSACK, Z T Charleston --- Discharged May 14, 1864
BREATH, James S Macoupin Co --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 4, 1864
BROWN, Andrew Otter Creek --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 10, 1864
CLARK, Alex Jersey Co Jan 4, 1864 ---
CLARK, George Hanfield --- Deserted Feb 3, 1864
CLAYTON, William G Vandalia --- Deserted
CLIFFORD, John Alton --- Discharged July 2, 1864
CORNACK, Thomas J Alton Dec 27, 1863 ---
CORNELL, C C Alton --- Died Apr 8, 1864
DAVENPORT, John Otter Creek --- Mustered out July 6, 1865
DAVIS, Salem M Otego --- Rejected
DOWZIER, John B News --- ---
EDDINGTON, Joseph W Effingham Jan 4, 1864 ---
FARRELL, Loami Wauponset Mar 18, 1865 Mustered out May 23, 1865
GOSNELL, George Wauponset Mar 18, 1865 Mustered out May 23, 1865
GOSNELL, Washington Wauponset Mar 18, 1865 Mustered out May 23, 1865
HASSAN, Robert J Madison Co Jan 25, 1864 ---
HUNTER, James Fidelity Mar 18, 1865 Died Jan 22, 1864
JONES, G T Alton --- Deserted Feb 3, 1864
KINNEY, John Neoga Oct 20, 1864 Rejected
KRIMS, John Springfield Jan 5, 1864 ---
McCONRACK, W Fidelity Jan 1, 1864 ---
POORE, Napoleon B News --- Discharged
PRIME, Anton News --- Died, Camp Butler, Mar 5, 1864
RYAN, James Alton Jan 5, 1864 ---
SCHAFER, Albert Alton Feb 24, 1864 ---
SHEPHERD, Daniel J Greenup --- Discharged Jun 16, 1864
STRONG, John Greenup Feb 14, 1864 ---
TEENELIN, Andrew Greenup --- Discharged Apr 12, 1864
TROUTMAN, Adams Vandalia --- Rejected
TRUE, James C Vandalia --- ---
WELLS, Peter W Charleston --- Rejected
WHITE, George W Otter Creek --- ---

Transcribed by Jim Willison

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