130 Illinois Infantry
Field & Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BANKSON, Elijah Chaplain --- Mar 14, 1864 --- Resigned Jun 2, 1864
BARRY, Edward L H 2nd Asst Surg. Delhi Oct 4, 1862 Oct 4, 1862 Resigned Dec 31, 1862
HARRINGTON, Henry H Quartermaster Mt Carmel Dec 19, 1862 Dec 19, 1862 Mustered out Jan 21, 1865
HAY, John B Adjutant Belleville Sep 18, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Discharged Oct 26, 1863
JOHNSON, William D H Chaplain Greenville Oct 25, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Resigned July 16, 1863
MATHENY, James H Lt. Colonel Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Resigned July 5, 1864
NILES, Nathaniel Colonel Belleville Oct 25, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Resigned May 6, 1864
PRESCOTT, William Major Springfield July 5, 1864 Not must'r'd MO Jun 14, 1865 as Capt.
REID, John B Lt. Colonel Greenville July 5, 1864 Jan 26, 1865 Tr. to 130th as revived
REID, John B Major Greenville Sep 18, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Promoted
SIGLER, William F 2nd Asst Surg. Flora May 7, 1863 May 27, 1863 Tr. to 130th as revived
STILES, Silas J Quartermaster Lawrenceville Oct 16, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Died, Memphis, Dec 19, 1862
WILCOX, Lewis K Surgeon Warsaw Nov 19, 1862 Nov 19, 1862 Mustered out Jan 21, 1865
WILKINS, David 1st Asst Surg. Greenville Oct 18, 1862 Oct 18, 1862 Mustered out Jan 21, 1865

130th Illinois Infantry
Non-Commissioned Staff
Name Rank Residence Date of Rank
or Enlistment
Date of Muster Remarks
BRADLEY, Leonidas H QM Sergeant Marshall Aug 5, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Trans. to N.C. Staff of 77th Ill. Inf.
CRAMPTON, Jared W Comm. Sergeant Bridgeport Sep 9, 1862 Sep 12, 1862 Mustered out Jan 25, 1865
DEWEY, Edmund S Serg. Major Greenville Aug 7, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Prom. Adjutant, 130th Ill. Inf., as revived
HARRINGTON, Henry H QM Sergeant Mt Carmel Sep 9, 1862 Sep 12, 1862 Prom. Regimental QM
HAWLEY, Luther C Serg. Major Greenville Sep 5, 1862 Sep 12, 1862 See Co. C 130th Ill., as rev'd
HYNES, Samuel B QM Sergeant Greenville Aug 7, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Reduced to ranks, Co. F, Sep 1, 1864
JOHNSON, Charles B Hosp. Steward Greenville Aug 7, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 See Co. C 130th Ill., as rev'd
LEIGH, William H Serg. Major Scipio, Pa Aug 5, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. G, 77th Ill. Inf.
MESNARD, Norman Prin. Musician Evanston Aug 15, 1862 Oct 25, 1862 See Co. D 130th Ill., as rev'd
MILLER, James M Hosp. Steward Greenville --- --- Disch, Dec 12, 1863 for promotion in US Col. T

130th Illinois Infantry
Unassigned Recruits
Name Residence Date of Muster Remarks
BASS, Shrebiah Bureau Co Feb 3, 1865 ---
BRENER, John A Candan, Mo --- Discharged Jun 16, 1864
BUCHER, Henry Greenville --- ---
CARL, Frank Springfield --- Deserted
CLEVY, William J Christy Mar 3, 1864 ---
COLLINS, Francis M Bridgeport Feb 5, 1864 Died, Camp Butler, Feb 21, 1864
COURTWRIGHT, Jesse T Olney Mar 3, 1864 ---
DARWIN, Leonidas A Unity Oct 28, 1864 ---
FRENCH, Lyman B Springfield July 5, 1864 ---
GLENN, William N Greenville --- ---
HOWARD, Joseph Springfield --- ---
HUNSLEY, Stephen A Blueville --- ---
HUSSEY, Stephen A Fancy Creek Oct 3, 1864 Tr. to Co. A, 77th Ill. Inf.
HUSSEY, William F Fancy Creek Oct 3, 1864 Tr. to Co. A, 77th Ill. Inf.
JACKSON, George Springfield --- Rejected
JOHNSON, Peter Springfield --- Tr. to US Navy, Apr 12, 1864
MABERRY, George Springfield --- Deserted
MARTIN, Polander J Alton Aug 17, 1864 Substitute
MOORE, Stephen W Springfield --- Discharged Apr 12, 1864
NIGALS, Andrew Greenville --- ---
O'CONNELL, James Springfield --- Deserted
ROGERS, Charles A Springfield --- Discharged Apr 12, 1864
ROGIER, Lewis Alton Aug 17, 1864 Substitute
THOMPKINS, Henry C Greenville Apr 8, 1864 ---

Transcribed by Jim Willison

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