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Please note that these lookup volunteers have very specific areas in which they can provide help - read the second column. Please do not write to them requesting information that does not fall within their research realm - thanks!

Kevin Frye<>
will research for anyone who feels they had ancestors at Andersonville Prison to find out what information might be in their database.  He has found records and gravesites, and will take photos for people who send him a request.  He only asks to be reimbursed for his costs. Please note that research lookups are limited to Andersonville Prison.

Jan Hargis <>
Has a list of all the Union and Confederate soldiers who were at Andersonville Prison and is willing to do lookups. Please note that research lookups are limited to Andersonville Prison.
Jan Hargis


Linwood City Cemetery, Columbus, Georgia. PLEASE include your ancestors NAME, STATE they served from, and COMPANY and UNIT, and GRAVE NUMBER, if known. Please note that research lookups are limited to Linwood City Cemetery in Columbus, Georgia.

Randal Gerdes


Anyone seeking information on the Sultana disaster can contact me. I live in Arkansas and am in Memphis at least once each week. Many of the victims of this event are buried in the National Cemetery in Memphis. I would be glad to get and furnish digital photos of the wreck site. I also have the Jerry Potter book on the Sultana Disaster. Please note that the information Randal has is related only to the Sultana disaster.
Jeff Veach


Jeff Veach has published a book entitled, "Rally Cry! The Hometown Boys in the Civil War. The History of Clark County, Illinois in the War Between the States." The book lists over 2000 men who served from Clark County. The books is sold out, but he is willing to do lookups. He also has a web site, "The Clark County, Illinois Military Database," which lists the men who served from the county from 1775-1898:
John Hall


John Hall has graciously agreed to do lookups in Dyer's Compendium.
Michael O. Anderson


Michael is a full-time, independent researcher that works in the National Archives, Washington, DC on a daily basis, would like to be of assistance to anyone who would like to obtain photocopies of documents pertaining to their family history - original sources such as U.S. censuses, passenger ship lists and military records (pensions, service records, etc.).
Tony Glumac


Tony is a historical freelance photographer residing in Knoxville, Tennessee. If anyone is interested in obtaining a photo of a grave in the Knoxville area, Tony will be glad to help for a small fee to cover the cost of film, processing and gas. No labor charges.

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