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William Askey

Company I, 47th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

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William Askey

William Askey enlisted September 4, 1861 in Co. I of the 47th Illinois Volunteer Infantry at Peoria, Illinois.

He was born 7 Apr 1839 at Warwickshire, England the oldest child of William and Sarah (Hackett) Askey. Other siblings: James, b. 1841; Jane b, 1843; Thomas, b. 1845; Samuel, b. 1848; Elizabeth, b. 1850; and Mary Ann, b. 1852. In the late 1850's this family migrated to United States and settled in spring Bay, Woodford County, Illinois.

William and his brother, James, both young farmers, enlisted in the Union Army September 4, 1861. James was captured in April 1864 and died in Tyler, Texas at a prison camp.

Another brother, Thomas, also enlisted in Co. I, 47th Illinois Infantry on January 26, 1864 and died in the line of duty April 1864.

William Askey participated in the following battles:

Farmington, MS - May 1862
Iuka, MS - May 1862
Corinth, MS - September 1862
Corinth, MS - October 1862
New Madrid Island, MS - November 1862
Jackson, MS - May 1863
Vicksburg, MS - May 1863
Fort Derussey, Hendrson Hills, Pleasant Hill, LA - April 1864
Morris Plantation, Cloutierville, Marksville, Lake Chiot, LA - June 1864
Tupelo, MS - July 1864
Abbeyville, LA - August 1864

William Askey was honorably discharged on October 11, 1864. A diary he kept during his years in the serice has records of daily life, daily chores and rations he purchased for survival, along with other trivial information about his journey and service.

In 1871 William migrated and took up homesteading in Furnace County, Nebraska. On November 2, 1871, he married Lydia Laura Phillips in Lancastera County, Nebraska. To this union the following siblings were born: William E., b. 1874; Clara Etta, b. 1876; Benjamin R., b. 1878; Albert H., b. 1881; Manderson, b. 1883; Mabel Mae, b. 1886.

William Askey received his U.S. citizenship November 27, 1882. He was a member of the GAR Post 108 Oxford, Furnas County, Nebraska. He applied for and received a disability pension for his wartime health experiences. William Askey died October 28, 1918 and is buried at Edison Cemetery, Furnas County, Edison, Nebraska.

Submitted by Bonney Askey Welker

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