Jacob FraneCompany K, 92nd Illinois Volunteer Infantry |
Biographical Sketches copied from Biographical and Historical Record of Ringhold and Decatur Counties, Iowa by the Lewis Publishing Company, 1887
In August, 1862, he enlisted in the war of the Rebellion and was assigned to Company K, Ninety Second Mounted Infantry, Army of the Cumberland, and served two years and 10 months, participating in several severe engagements, including those at Chickamauga, Resaca, and Jonesboro. He was wounded near Rolla, the ball first hitting his horse and then his right leg, near his knee joint, and was in the hospital at the time of his discharge, in July, 1865. Private Jacob Frane JR Military Record, Book Mark R and P 369330 Company Description Book: Description; age 23, 6 foot, dark complexion, blue eyes, black hair, born in Lycoming,County Pennsylvania, occupation, farmer, Enlistment: August 20, 1862 at Marion by H J Smith, term 3 years Remarks: Wounded April 12, 1865 in right leg near Parrot Creek, North Carolina Company Muster-in Roll: Jacob Frane, JR, Pvt, Co K, 92 Regt Illinois Infantry, age 22 years Rockford, Illinois, September 4, 1862 Joined for duty and enrolled August 20, 1862, Marion, Illinois, for 3 years Remarks: Bounty $25, paid $21 Company Muster Roll: Present from September 4, 1862 through December, 1864 Absent sick since January 19, 1865 for January and February Muster Roll Absent sick since April 12 for March April Muster Roll Returns: January 1864 detailed to care for convalescent horses, April and May 1865 Absent sick, wounded Newbern, N.C. Hospital Muster Roll of U.S.A, at Savannah, Georgia.: Regiment MI for February 28, 1865 Attached to hospital: February 1, 1865 as a patient, last paid $25, due $75 Returned to duty March 24, 1865 Bed Card: Transferred to Thilad May 20, 1865 Hospital Number 1009: Jacob Frane, age 24, American, Marion, Ogle County, Illinois Post Office address of wife or nearest relative, Jacob D. Frane d When admitted, May 8, 1865, from what source, Soldiers Rest Diagnosis: G.S.W. Rt. Knee, flesh severe, Joint not opened On what occasion wounded: Raleigh, North Carolina, April 12, 1865 Nature of missile or weapon: minnie ball Hospital Muster Roll of Foster U.S.A. General Hospital, New Berne, North, Carolina, ward 4 [Co 16, 92 Regt all volunteer] Hospital Muster Roll 0f Mower U.S.A. General Hospital, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Present for May and June, 1865 ward 40 Company Muster-out Roll, Concord, N.C., June 21, 1865: last settled, October 31, 1863; drawn since $73,98, Remarks: Wounded April 12, 1865, in right leg. In hospital, Philadelphia, Pa. Detachment Muster-out Roll: July 3, 1865, last paid August 31, 1864. Remarks: Mustered out while in Mower, U.S.A. General Hospital in compliance with directions from War Dept dated 5/3/65 |
Submitted by Jean Wilson |
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