Major John R. HotalingCompany B, 2nd Illinois Volunteer Cavalry |
John R. Hotaling was born in 1824 at Sharon, New York and started to learn the printing trade. When the Mexican War started, he enlisted in a company of dragoons. In that war, he received a saber cut leaving a life-long scar. When the Gold Rush beckoned, Hotaling went to California via the Horn in a slow sailing ship. Returning after a couple of years, Hotaling married Sophia Waterhouse, and migrated to the Ogle County, Illinois area while farming and later contracted to lay a 2-mile stretch of track for the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad around Rochelle, Illinois When the Civil War came, he became the Captain of Company A of the 2nd Illinois Volunteer Cavalry Company and served as the escort company for General Ord and later for General 'Black Jack" Logan. Later, Hotaling served on the staff of the Army of the Cumberland as a Major. After his service, Hotaling became the postmaster of Rochelle, Illinois, and later died in 1886. Hotaling is interred in a Rochelle, Illinois cemetery. Submitted by Leonard J. Jacobs |
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