- 51st Infantry
- 52nd Infantry
- 53rd Infantry
- 55th Infantry
- 56th Infantry
- 57th Infantry
- 59th Infantry
- 60th Infantry
- 61st Infantry
- 63rd Infantry
- 64th Infantry
- 65th Infantry
- 66th Infantry
- 69th Infantry
- 70th Infantry
- 71st Infantry
- 72nd Infantry
- 73rd Infantry
- 74th Infantry
- 75th Infantry
- 76th Infantry
- 77th Infantry
- 78th Infantry
- 80th Infantry
- 81st Infantry
- 83rd Infantry
- 84th Infantry
- 85th Infantry
- 86th Infantry
- 88th Infantry
- 89th Infantry
- 90th Infantry
- 91st Infantry
- 92nd Infantry
- 93rd Infantry
- 94th Infantry
- 95th Infantry
- Blanden, Leander, Colonel
- Humphrey, Thomas W., Colonel
- Williams, Jim
- Lindsay, Thomas - Co F
- Bacon, Henry M. - Co G
- Cashier, Albert D. J. - Co G
- Freeman, George Thurman - Co H
- Cary, John Franklin - Co I
- Lindsey, Henry - Co I
- Nish, James - Co I
- Schuyler, Hezekiah Pierpont - Co I
- Schuyler, John J. - Co I
- Weaver, Asa L. - Co I
- Frane, Jacob - Co K
- Almon Schellenberger - Co K
- 97th Infantry
- 98th Infantry
- 100th Infantry
- 102nd Infantry
- Clay, H. H., Major
- Stanway, Dr. Thomas Strange, Assistant Surgeon
- Andrews, T. H., Capt. - Co A
- Brown, John Christy - Co A
- Brown, William Jasper - Co A
- Crosby, George W. - Co A
- Morrison, John - Co A
- Walker, Rigdon B. - Co A
- Terpening, John W. - Co B
- Emerson, Edward L., Dr. - Co C
- Hamor, Nat - Co C
- Jordan, Byron, Lt. - Co C
- Sherman, Augustus - Co D
- Boger, Andrew - Co E
- Sedwick, Dan M., Capt. - Co E
- Brown, Thomas G. - Co E
- O'Brien, Mat - Co F
- Jay, Alvah - Co G
- Lawrence, L. A., Lt. - Co H
- Beals, R. F., Lt. - Co I
- Merritt, James Y. - Co K
- Winders, William - Co K
- 103rd Infantry
- 104th Infantry
- 107th Infantry
- 108th Infantry
- Atteberry, Albert
- Cook, Henry
- Davidson, William A.
- Duffy, William M.
- Fersman, H. C.
- Franks, William
- Grisham, J. M.
- Gue, G. W., Chaplain
- Hall, George P.
- Hanover, R.
- Holland, D. V. B.
- Krater, John K.
- McGuire, G. K.
- Miller, Alexander
- Nugent, T.
- Oatman, A. G.
- Page, B.
- Scholds, Lieut.
- Sidwell, Lt. Col.
- Stitt, S. C.
- Thomas, Robert P.
- Unknown
- Hyers, R. W. - Co B
- DeMott, Thomas H. - Co E
- 110th Infantry
- 111th Infantry
- 112th Infantry
- 113th Infantry
- 114th Infantry
- Foss, Charles Behrends - Co K
- 115th Infantry
- Blalock, Nelson G. - Surgeon
- Jerome, Charles W. - Quartermaster
- Kinman, William - Lt. Colonel
- Lapham, John W. - Major
- Litsenberger, Allen - Adjutant and Lt.
- Moore, Enoch - Surgeon and Major
- Moore, Jesse H. - Colonel
- Peddicord, Woodford W. - Lt.
- Poteet, George A. - Colonel
- Holding, Richard
- King, James T.
- Riley, Philip
- Cowgill, Christian D. - Co A
- Cowgill, Edward D. - Co A
- Gore, John - Co A
- Gore, Joseph- Co A
- Gore, William F. - Co A
- Hanan, Jesse, Captain - Co A
- Jarvis, David - Co A
- Keep, Horatio N. - Co A
- Langley, Thomas J. - Co A
- Large, George G. - Co A
- Leeper, Alfred B. - Co A
- McAfee, R. J. - Co A
- McCoy, James H. - Co A
- Young, Robert - Co A
- Baker, Fletcher D. - Co B
- Carroll, William H. - Co B
- Finkbine, Tobias - Co B
- Holding, James G. - Co B
- Holding, Robert S. - Co B
- Martin, Elgin H. - Co B
- McNeely, Thgomas B. - Co B
- Murdock, John - Co B
- Purkey, J. J. - Co B
- Schwartz, Ezekiel K. - Co B
- Slocum, Eleazer, Captain - Co B
- Steen, Erasmus D., Captain - Co B
- Thorpe, Franklin - Co B
- Vernon, Matthew J. - Co B
- Weeks, John - Co B
- Clodfelter, Allen - Co C
- Peters, Nicholas - Co C
- Pixley, Edward - Co C
- Reel, D. S. - Co C
- Rhodes, George W. - Co C
- Ridgely, E. R. - Co C
- Schwartz, Ezekiel K. - Co C
- Shearer, G. C. - Co C
- Shepard, A. - Co C
- Turner, G. H. - Co C
- Utter, Gideon L. - Co C
- Utter, Richard - Co C
- Youngken, John C. K. - Co C
- Company Photo - Co D
- Dace, Michael - Co D
- Hymer, Samuel[1] - Co D
- Hymer, Samuel[2] - Co D
- Moreland, John - Co D
- Stone, Thomas - Co D
- Tyson, William - Co D
- Welker, Stewart - Co D
- Wren, John - Co D
- Biddle, A. W. - Co E
- Bivans, Rovert - Co E
- Breeden, Charles M. - Co E
- Clements, Philip - Co E
- Darmer, John O. - Co E
- Edmonds, Joseph R. - Co E
- Gilhousen, Fred S. - Co E
- Gilhousen, William - Co E
- Graham, Americus - Co E
- Henry, William G. - Co E
- Hurst, Bennet - Co E
- Hurst, William L. - Co E
- Lane, John - Co E
- Markwell, William A. - Co E
- Martin, James M. - Co E
- Ramsey, Benjamin - Co E
- Ramsey, Michael - Co E
- Royce, I. H. C. - Co E
- Rugh, Samuel - Co E
- Waddle, Joseph M. - Co E
- Whitaker, J. A. - Co E
- White, Levi - Co E
- Allinson, A. C. - Co F
- Eller, G. W. - Co F
- Hays, Frank L., Major - Co F
- Kaufman, M. S. - Co F
- McComas, Charles C. - Co F
- Middleton, R. T. - Co F
- Reed, David - Co F
- Shively, Alfred - Co F
- Dove, John, Brevet Maj. - Co G
- Espy, S. Barlow, Capt. - Co G
- Williams, Loton G. - Co G
- Patten, Zeboim Cartter, Capt. - Co H
- Reardon, John, Brevet Maj. - Co H
- Robinson, G. S. - Co H
- Slaughter, Joseph J. - Co H
- Kinman, C. L. - Captain, Co I
- Kinman, Newton B. - Co I
- Moon, Edwin - Co I
- Rutherford, James, Capt. - Co I
- England, D. A. - Co K
- Gates, F. W. - Co K
- Sumter, G. W. - Co K
- 116th Infantry
- 117th Infantry
- 118th Infantry
- Barnes, John W. - 118th Infantry
- Beezley, Joseph - 118th Infantry
- Cochran, John - 118th Infantry
- Evans, William - 118th Infantry
- Fortney, Henry - 118th Infantry
- Geddes, Cyrus - 118th Infantry
- Gill, Joseph - 118th Infantry
- Hamilton, Elisha - 118th Infantry
- Hurst, Thomas - 118th Infantry
- Huston, Robert G. - 118th Infantry
- Layman, Jacob G. - 118th Infantry
- Layman, John H. - 118th Infantry
- Logan, James E. - 118th Infantry
- Logan, Thomas - 118th Infantry
- McClaughey, Robert W. - 118th Infantry
- Moore, Levi B. - 118th Infantry
- Renshaw, Moses O. - 118th Infantry
- Rohrbaugh, Calendar - 118th Infantry
- Rosberry, Joseph B. - 118th Infantry
- Scholl, Alexander - 118th Infantry
- Spanger, John - 118th Infantry
- Unknown - 118th Infantry
- Marsh, Arthur W., Captain - Co C
- Lucas, Robert B., Captain - Co D
- 119th Infantry
- 122nd Infantry
- 123rd Infantry
- 124th Infantry
- 125th Infantry
- 126th Infantry
- 127th Infantry
- 128th Infantry
- 129th Infantry
- 130th Infantry
- 131st Infantry
- 133rd Infantry
- 134th Infantry
- 135th Infantry
- 136th Infantry
- 137th Infantry
- 138th Infantry
- 140th Infantry
- 143rd Infantry
- 146th Infantry
- 147th Infantry
- 151st Infantry
- 152nd Infantry
- Garratt, Lyman D. - Quartermaster
- Nale, John H., Major
- Nale, John H., Major
- Plummer, Hiram S., Surgeon
- Stephenson, Ferdinand D., Colonel
- Stephenson, Ferdinand D., Colonel and other Field and Staff Officers
- Unknown
- Unknown
- Brown, Alexander H. - Co C
- Albright, Homer P. - Co D
- Collins, Albert W. - Co D
- Richmond, Frank - Co D
- Bean, George W., Captain - Co H
- Emmons, James - Co H
- Fritz, Dexter - Co H
- Unknown - Co H
- Updike, Isaac - Co H
- Walters, Asa or Jacob - Co H
- Wasson, Manford T. - Co H
- 153rd Infantry
- 154th Infantry
- 155th Infantry