John J. Schuyler

Company I, 95th Illinois Volunteer Infantry


See the family history.

THE FREE METHODIST: CHICAGO., NOVEMBER 29,, 1893 Rev. John J. Schuyler was born at Sandy Creek, Oswego Co. N.Y. and died at his home in Woodstock., Illinois, November 5. 1893, aged 59 years and 9 months. At the age of seventeen years Brother Schuyler came west to Cary, Illinois. In the year 1853 he was united in marriage to Miss Huldah A.(,knne) Cary. Like many others he professed religion and thought he was saved for a time; but when the Bible standard of Christiam character was erected by Rev. C. S. Citchell in a series of revival meetings, his eyes were opened,, and he beheld his lest condition and sought and obtained salvation by faith in Jesus. His was a bright and happy conversion, and for a time succeeding it he seemed to tread as on air. But the testing time came in the form of a cross that was presented. He shrank and lost the favor of God. He was reclaimed a short time afterwards at a St. Charles camp meeting. Conviation for heart purity came upon his soul and through the instrumentality of YWood's Perfect Love" he was led into the experience. With his book under his arm, one day he started out for the field on his farm., determined neither to eat nor sleep until he had obtained the dears of his heart. He returned with a shining face and a glad heart, for Christ had come and filled his so-al and perfected him in love. He became identified with the Free Methodist Church in its early histcr y and continued a faithful member of the same until he departed to the church triumphant. If any one phase of Christian Character was more prominent in this holy man than another it was humility. Love which "vauntoth not itself and is not puffed up" was clearly manifested in his life. He filled eery office in the church successfully from steward to itinerant preacher. He was not a member of the conference, but for several years, acting as supply he filled with greal acceptability different pastorates. At the last session of the Illinois conference he was ordained deacon but because of failing health thought it not best to take an appointment. Zueh was his spirit and deportment in domestic life as to secure the most profound confidence of this family and those about him in hft piety. He realized that his sickness was unto death notwithstanding his physicians sp*ke to the contrary, in accordance with which he selected the text for the funeral sermon and mentioned the name of the one who should preach it. On Sabbath morning just after family worship tvad been commenced he passed peacefully away to worship with the holy throng in the upper sanctuary. He leaves a wife, two sons and one daughter and a girl who has been raised in the family from a child. I bespeak for the family the prayers of Gods children, as the loss of a tender and affectionate husband and parent is made doully aad in that on October 18 last at 10 o'clock a.m. the oldest son of the family, Frank Schuyler, was killed in a railroad wreak. The writer was assisted in the funeral services by Rev's O.V. Ketelso J. Harvey and F.M. Fish. The text used was 2 Cor. 5: 1. ~ J.D. Marsh.

Submitted by Bill Baran

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