Company "I" 30th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ABNER, Jessie Private Carlyle Oct 20, 1861 Died at Benton Barracks, Oct 11, 1863
ALLEN, Robert Captain Springfield Oct 20, 1861 Promoted Major
ALVIN, William J. Recruit Quincy ------ Deserted Apr 25, 1862. Enlisted Mar 25, 1862.
APPLE, Benjamin Recruit Keysport Jan 31, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
APPLE, Perry Recruit Keysport Jan 31, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
APPLE, William Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1865
ATKINS, John Recruit Richview Nov 10, 1862  ------
AULGUR, William D&S Recruit ------ Oct 19, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
BEAM, Albert D&S Recruit ------ ------ Mustered out July 17, 1865
BICKENBOCK, Henry D&S Recruit Mort Moile Oct 14, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
BRAZIL, John Private Ashley Oct 20, 1861 Died at Fort Donelson, Apr 15, 1862
BRUCE, Joseph R. D&S Recruit Walnut Sep 22, 1864 M.O. Jul 8, 1865
BRYANT, Nathaniel H. Recruit Fayette Co. Dec 21, 1861 Disch. Apr 22, 1862; disabil.
BRYNES, Frank D&S Recruit Missouri Oct 7, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
BUCK, Benjamin F. Veteran Springfield Jan 24, 1864 Died, Andersonville prison, Aug 15, 1864, Gr. 5785
BUCK, Benjamin F. Recruit Springfield Dec 13, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
BUNTING, Elias G. D&S Recruit ------ Nov 1, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
CALLISON, Thomas C. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 13, 1864 Sub. M.O. May 18 1895
CARTER, Thomas Private Washington Oct 20, 1861 Died at Cairo, Apr 8, 1862
CHAMBERS, John D. D&S Recruit ------ Nov 3, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
CHICHESTER, Sanford H. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 25, 1864 Sub. Absent without leave.
CHILDS, James D&S Recruit Dover Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
CHITSINGER, Frank D&S Recruit ------ ------ Mustered out July 17, 1865
CLARK, George W. Recruit Keysport Jan 31, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
CLARK, Henry 2nd Lt. Clinton Co. Nov 29, 1862 Mustered out Nov 1864
CLARK, Henry Private Keyesport Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1866, as Serg’t.
CLARK, James A. Veteran Keysport Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
CLARK, James Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
CLARK, John Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
CLARK, John Veteran Keysport  Jan 24, 1864 Pro. 1st Lt. From 1st Serg’t.
CLARK, John 1st Lt. Clinton Co. May 27, 1865 M.O. July 17, 1865
COLE, Albert W. Recruit Keysport Jan 31, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
COLE, Henry H. Recruit Bond Co. Jan 31, 1864 Disch. Jul 9, 1862; disabil.
COLE, William A. Corporal Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Jackson, TN, Aug 6, 1862
COX, Isaac D&S Recruit ------ Oct 24, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
CURTIS, Matthew Private Clinton Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
CURTIS, Mathew M Veteran Richview Jan 24, 1864 Disch. Feb 17, 1865
CURTIS, Owen A. J. Private Washington Oct 20, 1861 ------
CUSIC, Thomas D&S Recruit Dover Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
DANIELS, William R. Recruit Jefferson Co. Nov 3, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran 
DANIELS, William R. Veteran Richview Jan 24, 1864 Killed near Atlanta, GA, Jul 28, 1864
DAVENPORT, George W. Private ------ Oct 20, 1861 ------
DAVIS, James A. M. Veteran Richview Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as 1st Sgt.
DAVIS, James M. Private Jefferson Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
DAVIS, John M. Veteran Richview Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Serg't.
DAVIS, John M. Recruit Washington Co. Nov 3, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
DAVIS, Thomas E. Recruit Washington Co. Nov 10, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
DAVIS, Thomas E. Veteran Richview Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Serg’t.
DELAY, Absalom Private ------ Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1865
DELAY, Moses Private ------ Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Nov 22, 1861; disabil.
DENNIS, George Veteran Richview Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp'l.
DENNIS, George Private Washington Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
DILL, Gideon Recruit Collins’ Station Jan 31, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
DOYLE, Dennis Recruit Richview Oct 30, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
DRAKE, Samuel Private Fayette Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1865
DUNN, Wilson D&S Recruit Dover Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
DURHAM, Edwin B. Musician Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Cairo, Feb 18, 1862
DURSH, John Recruit Keysport Jan 31, 1864  Absent, sick, M.O. of Regt.
EABERT, Christian D&S Recruit Chicago Oct 3, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
FINDLEY, Wm. H. H. Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
FINLEY, Wm H. H. Veteran Bond Co. Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Serg’t.
FINLEY, William H. H. 2nd Lt. Clinton Co. Jun 8, 1865 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Serg’t.
FISHER, Gustav D&S Recruit ------ Oct 13, 1864 Sub. M.O. Jul 11, 1865
FITZGERALD, John J. Private Ashley Oct 20, 1861 Killed at Britton’s Lane, TN, Sep 1, 1862
FOSTER, William D. Sergeant Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 ------
FRY, Charles D&S Recruit Hall Sep 19, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
FRY, John D&S Recruit Selby Sep 19, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
GEALON, Henry Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 ------
GEALSER, Charles Recruit Bond Co. Nov 22, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
GILMORE, Isaac D&S Recruit ------ Oct 24, 1864 Mustered out July 8, 1865
GINGLES, Thomas B. Recruit Clinton Co. Nov 22, 1861 ------
HAGLER, George L. Recruit Bond Co. None shown Died at Fort Donelson, Sep 9, 1862
HAGLER, Valentine W. 1st Serg’t Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jul 27, 1862; disabil.
HALL, James A. D&S Recruit Osceola Sep 30, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
HALL, John Recruit Sparta Aug 30, 1862 ------
HARTER, Jackson Veteran Bond Co. Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
HASS, George D&S Recruit ------ Oct 18, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
HAYNES, Albert D&S Recruit ------ Oct 31, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
HAYSLIP, Thomas B. D&S Recruit Granville Oct 1, 1864 Mustered out July 6, 1865
HEARTER, Jackson Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
HECK, Julius Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1865
HILL, Thomas J. D&S Recruit Manlius Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
HILLER, Allen. J. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 11, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
HUDSON, Joshua Under Cook of A.D. ------ ------ Mustered out July 17, 1865 [A.D.=African Descent]
JOHNSON, Cordon D&S Recruit ------ Oct 26, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
KELSO, Joseph S. Corporal Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch., Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
KELSO, Robert Private Keysport Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
KESNER, William C. Captain Bond Co. Sep 8, 1863 Mustered out Oct 28, 1864
KESNER, William C. 1st Lt. Bond Co. Apr 10, 1862 Promoted [Nov 29, 1862]
KESNER, William C. Sergeant Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Prom. 1st Lieutenant [Feb 28, 1862]
KESTERSON, Wm. F. Corporal Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 8, 1862; disabil.
KIRKPATRICK, Geo. W. Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
KIRKPATRICK, Milton Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Trans. Sep 15, 1863
KRIAG, Conrad D&S Recruit Selby Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
LENNINGTON, Thomas Recruit Washington Co. Nov 3, 1861 Died at Cairo Feb 9, 1862
LEONARD, Patrick D&S Recruit Selby Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
LINDER, John D&S Recruit ------ ------ Mustered out July 17, 1865
MALAY, James R. Recruit Bond Co. Dec 27, 1861 ------
MAPES, Wheeler D&S Recruit ------ Oct 13, 1864 Sub. M.O. Jun 26, 1865
McCLURE, John Captain Springfield Apr 15, 1865 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McCLURE, John Veteran Springfield Jan 24, 1864 Prom. Capt. From 1st Serg't.
McCLURE, John Recruit Springfield Dec 13, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
McCOMBS, William D. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 12, 1864 Sub. Absent without leave
McDONALD, James H. Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Cairo, Feb 14, 1862
McLANE, Thomas G. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 13, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
McLAUREN, Ruddie Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
McNIEL, Abraham Corporal Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Jackson, TN, Sep 11, 1862
McNIEL, John D&S Recruit Calhoun Oct 12, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
MERRITT, Isaac N. Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 ------
MUDSON, William D&S Recruit ------ Oct 24, 1864 Never reported to Co.
NELSON, Niles D&S Recruit ------ Oct 13, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
NEVINS, George G. D&S Recruit Walnut Sep 29, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
NEVINS, Henry D&S Recruit Mercer Co. Oct 27, 1864 Never reported to Co.
NOEY, Francis M. Recruit Keysport May 24, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
NORDIKE, Morris Veteran Keysport Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Serg't.
NORDIKE, Morris Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
OSLAGE, Harmon Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Nov 22, 1861; disabil.
PASTEN, Aaron Private Ashley Oct 20, 1861 Died at Cairo Feb 11, 1862
PEERY, Luke L. Recruit Collins’ Station Jan 31, 1864 Killed, Atlanta, Jul 22, 1864
PENTER, Joseph B. Recruit Washington Co. Nov 3, 1861 ------
PRYOR, John G. D&S Recruit Selby Sep 21, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
RATLIFF, William D&S Recruit ------ Oct 28, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
RAYMOND, Alonzo F. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 13, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
REDDICK, Abraham Corporal Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Fort Donelson, Apr 12, 1862
REDDICK, Austin Sergeant Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
REDDICK, Noah W. 1st Lt. Keysport Nov 29, 1862 Mustered out Oct 1864
REDDICK, Noah W. 2nd Lt. Keysport Jun 29, 1862 Promoted [Nov 29, 1862]
REDDICK, Noah W. Sergeant Keysport Oct 20, 1861 Prom. 2d Lt. From 1st Sgt. [May 5, 1862]
REDDICK, William Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 8 62; disabil
REDDICK, William F. Recruit Keysport May 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
REED, William J. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 27, 1864 Died, Louisville, Jun 16, 1865
ROBERTS, George W. Private ------ Oct 20, 1861 ------
ROGERS, William J. Recruit Sparta Aug 30, 1862 Mustered out July 17, 1865
ROPER, Franklin Recruit Carlyle Jan 31, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
ROSE, John N. D&S Recruit Mort Moile Nov 11, 1864 Mustered out July 13, 1865
ROUCK, Columbus W. D&S Recruit ------ Oct 19, 1864 Mustered out Jun 16, 1865
SALFELD, August Musician Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 ------
SCOTT, William J. Private Keysport Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Dec 11, 1863; disabil
SEYBERT, John George Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1865
SHRIMAKER, Fritz D&S Recruit ------ Oct 18, 1864 Never reported to Co.
SKELTON, Joseph H. Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
SKELTON, Joseph N. Veteran Bond Co. Jan 24, 1864 M.O. July 17, 1865 as Corp’l.
SMITH, Charles D. Recruit Bond Co. Dec 15, 1861 Disch. Dec 11, 1864
SMITH, James Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Jan, 1865
SMITH, John D&S Recruit ------ Oct 14, 1864 Sub. M.O. July 17, 1865
SPANGLE, William D&S Recruit ------ Oct 24, 1864 Mustered out July 29, 1865
STANLEY, Francis B. Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Mustered out Dec 31, 1864
STARK, Henry D&S Recruit St. Marie Nov 2, 1864 Mustered out July 13, 1865
STEELA, William D&S Recruit Montgomery Nov 10, 1864 Mustered out May 30, 1865
STILLEA, Robert D&S Recruit ------ ------ Never reported to Co.
STRICK, Henry D&S Recruit Melrose Sep 20, 1864 Mustered out Jun 4, 1865
TAYLOR, William H. 2nd Lieut. Keysport Oct 10, 1861 Resigned May 5, 1862
THOMPSON, Riley Wm. Recruit Carlyle Aug 7, 1862 Mustered out. Jun 4, 1865
TOWNSEND, John S. Corporal Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Killed at Jackson, TN Oct 16, 1862
TRAILOR, William Private Washington Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
TUCKER, Richard A. Recruit Keysport Apr 17, 1864 Died near Atlanta, GA, Aug 10, 1864
UNGLES, John A. Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
WARD, Andrew Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Keokuk, Jul 19, 1862
WARD, William Recruit Keysport Jan 31, 1864 Absent, sick, M.O. of Reg’t.
WATTS, Amos F. Recruit Collins Mar 9, 1865 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WEAVER, Francis M. Corporal Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 ------
WEAVER, James Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
WEAVER, James Veteran Bond Co. Jan 24, 1864 Mustered out July 17, 1865
WELCH, Thomas L. Private Bond Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
WHITE, Abraham Wagoner Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Disch. Apr 27, 1862; disabil.
WHITLOCK, John T. Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Lagrange, TN, Nov 25, 1862
WHITLOCK, Richard C. Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at Keokuk, Nov 11, 1863
WINFREY, Terrence B. Private Clinton Co. Oct 20, 1861 Died at home
WRIGHT, John Private Jefferson Co. Oct 20, 1861 Mustered out Nov 4, 1864

D&S Recruit = Drafted or Substitute Recruit

Transcribed by Dorothy Falk <>

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