Company "C" 32nd Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ALLAN, John Wagoner Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Trans. to 12th Ill. Cavalry
ANDERSON, Lewis Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Oct 9, 1865
ANDERSON, Lewis Recruit Carlinville --- Re-enlisted as Veteran
ARNOLD, George Private Macoupin Co. Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
ARNOLD, George N Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 M.O. July 15, 1865 as Corp'l
BARBER, Isaac Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
BARBER, Isaac T Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
BARKER, Abiel M Veteran Carlinville Feb 18, 1864 M.O. Sep 16, 1865 as Serg't
BARKER, Abiel M Sergeant Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
BARKER, John M Recruit Carlinville Feb 14, 1865 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
BARNES, James Private Shop Creek Oct 22, 1861 Deserted Oct 7, 1862
BARSHFIELD, Willia D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 18, 1864 Deserted July 30, 1865
BATES, Robert Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
BATES, Robert W Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
BAUGH, David M D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 10, 1864 Drafted M.O.Sep 16, 1965
BELL, James P Private Bunker hill Oct 22, 1861 Died Natchez Dec 19, 1863
BISHOP, Jeremiah Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Jun 6, 1862: Disabil.
BISHOP, John Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
BISHOP, John W Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Killed at Bentonville N. C. Mar 21, 1865
BOARDMAN, Samuel D&S Recruit --- Oct 18, 1864 Sub. M.O.Sep 16, 1865
BOBB, Allen D&S Recruit Buckeye Oct 17, 1864 Mustered out Jun 7, 1865
BOBB, Reuben D&S Recruit Buckeye Oct 17, 1864 Mustered out July 26, 1865
BOND, Edward D&S Recruit --- Oct 14, 1864 Sub. M.O.Sep 16, 1865
BOOK, Michael D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 17, 1864 Mustered Out May 17, 1865
BOROUGH, Cicero Recruit Carlinville Jan 4, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
BOROUGH, Cicero Musician Carlinville Oct 24, 1861 Disch. Mar 26, 1863; Disabil.
BOROUGH, Josiah 2nd Lt. Carlinville --- Resigned Mar 14, 1862
BOULTER, Jame Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
BOWLING, Kepas D&S Recruit --- Oct 20, 1864 Mustered out July 12, 186
BROWN, Alexander Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 M.O. Sep 16, 1865 as Corp'l
BROWN, Alexander Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
BROWN, George Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Sep 6, 1862: Wounds
BROWN, Leonidas M Recruit --- Jan 28, 1862 Mustered out Jan 28, 1865
BROWN, Sparrow Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Died Natchez Aug 8, 1863
BROWN, William T Corporal Plainview Oct 22, 1861 Discharged for wounds received at Shiloh
BURCH, James Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Jun 4, 1862: Disabil.
CHAMBERS, John D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 15, 1864 Sub. M.O.Sep 16, 1865
CHENEWORTH, William Private Shop Creek Oct 22, 1861 Died at Pittsburg Landing May 1, 1862
CONOVER, John C Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Deserted Apr 12, 1862
COWELL, George Private Macoupun Co. Oct 22, 1861 Tr. to Inv. C'rps Sep 15, 1863
CRAMER, Abisha Recruit Carlinville --- Disch. Nov 1, 1862; wounds
DAVIS, Alexander Recruit Carlinville Apr 30, 1862 Disch. Oct 10, 1862
DECK, John W Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Killed at Shiloh Apr 6, 1862
DEWERT, William Private Jacksonville Oct 22, 1861 Deserted Oct 15,
DOLBOW, Gideon Recruit Shop Creek --- Disch. Jan 13, 1863
DUFIELD, Galand D&S Recruit Esmen Sep 23,1884 Deserted M.O. Jun 3, 1865
DUGGER, George Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Jan 3, 1863: Disabil.
DUGGI, John W Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Mar 3, 1863: wounds
EAGAN, Kaynn Recruit Carlinville Jan 8, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
ELLIOTT, William D&S Recruit --- Oct 20, 1864 Deserted Jun 23, 1865
FLATT, Robert S Recruit Bethel. Tenn. Apr 4, 1864 Disch. July 29, 1862; Disability
FREEMAN, Moses Recruit Carlinville Mar 31, 1864 Deserted Jun 26, 1865
FREEMAN, William H Recruit Carlinville Mar 20, 1864 Discharged Jun 26, 1865
FURY, James Private Jacksonville Oct 22, 1861 Transferred to Co. H
GIBSON, Samuel D&S Recruit --- Oct 18, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
GIMLIN, Ezra Recruit --- --- Died Ca'p Butler Feb 6, 1862
GOODELL, Lucien Veteran Chesterfield Jan 2, 1864 M.O. July 15, 1865 as Serg't
GOODELL, Lucien Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
GOODSELL, Alling Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
GOODSELL, Alling S Veteran Chesterfield Jan 2, 1864 M.O. Sep 16, 1865 as Serg't
GOYNES, Micager C Private Waverly Oct 22, 1861 Transfered to Co. H
GRACE, James D&S Recruit --- Oct 18, 1864 Never reported to Co.
GRAY, Samuel Private Plainview Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Oct 16, 1862: Disabil.
GREY, William Recruit Plainview --- Discharged for disability
GUNTHRIE, William D&S Recruit --- Oct 14, 1864 Sub. M.O. Sep 16, 1865
HALL, John H Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Transfered to 14th Ill. Inf.
HAMM, George W D&S Recruit --- Oct 26, 1864 Sub.M.O.Sep 16, 1865
HARDCASTLE, Isaac Corporal Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Killed Shiloh Apr 6, 1862
HARRINGTON, Charles Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 M.O. Sep 16, as Serg't
HARRINGTON, Charles Private Macoupin Co. Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
HARRINGTON, Thos W D&S Recruit Shaw's Point Oct 22, 1864 Trans. from Co. D. M.O. Jun 3, 1865
HARRIS, John W Corporal Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Apr 24, 1864
HARVILLE, John Recruit Carlinville Jan 20, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
HAWKINS, Samuel Corporal Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Discharged Oct 16, 1862 Disabil.
HEDLEY, Fenwick Y Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Prom. 1st Lieut.and Adj't
HEDLEY, Fenwick Y Musician Carlinville Oct 24, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
HENDRIX, John Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Died St. Louis July 18, 1863
HICKS, James H D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 15, 1864 Discharged Jun 26, 1865
HIGHSITH, Richard C D&S Recruit Montgomery Nov 10, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
HINSON, Adilphus Private --- Oct 22, 1861 Discharged July 16, 1862
HOLLINGWORTHS, And'w Private Macoupin Co. Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
HOOPER, Jackson C D&S Recruit --- Oct 19, 1864 Sub. Died at Savannah Ga. Jan 8, 1865
HOOPER, Thomas D&S Recruit Jefferson Oct 17, 1864 Dies at Savannah Ga. Jan 28, 1865
HOYT, George Private --- Oct 22, 1861 Died Cincinnati Apr 27, 1862
HUSKY, Richard Corporal Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
JACKSON, Samuel Recruit --- --- Wounded at Shiloh; Missing since
JOHNSON, Thomas W 1st Lt. Carlinville Apr 25, 1865 Discharged Jan 30, 1865?
JOHNSON, Thomas W 2nd Lt. Carlinville Jan 31, 1865 Promoted [Apr 25, 1865]
JOHNSON, Thomas W Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Promoted 2nd Lieut. [Jan 1, 1865]
JOHNSON, Thomas Recruit Carlinville --- Re-enlisted as Veteran
KELLER, Abram D Captain Carlinville Dec 22, 1862 Resigned Sep 21, 1864
KELLER, Abram D 1st Lt. Carlinville --- Promoted
KELLER, Charles H Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Deserted July 18, 1865
KELLER, Charles H Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
KERN, Henry Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Died Vicksburg July 18, 1863
KING, Charles S Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Discharged July 1, 1862
LAUCH, Daniel D&S Recruit Buckeye Oct 17, 1864 Mustered out May 20, 1865
LAWSON, Edwin D Captain Chesterfield Nov 8, 1864 Discharged Mar 27, 1865
LAWSON, Edwin C 1st Lt. Chesterfield Mar 2, 1864 Promoted [Sep 21, 1864]
LAWSON, Edwin C 2nd Lt. Chesterfield Mar 1, 1863 Promoted [July 8, 1863]
LAWSON, Edwin C Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Promoted 2nd Lieutenant [Nov 1, 1862]
LEWIS, William T Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Died at home Apr 11, 1862
LOCKER, Elijah Recruit Bethel Tenn. Apr 30, 1862 Died St. Louis May 3, 1862
LOGAN, William C 1st Lt. Carlinville Dec 22, 1862 Died July 8, 1863
LOGAN, William C C 2nd Lt. Carlinville --- Promoted [Nov 1, 1862]
LOGAN, William C C Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Promoted 2nd Lieutenant [Mar 14, 1862]
LOMAX, Elijah D&S Recruit Berwick Oct 18, 1864 Never reported to Co.
LOVELL, John C Recruit Carlinville Jan 4, 1864 Mustered out Sep 6, 1965
LOWE, Robert A Sergeant Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Deserted Oct 5, 1862
LOWRY, John Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Died at home May 3, 1862
MANDRILL, John F D&S Recruit Jefferson Co, Oct 13, 1864 Never reported to Co.
MANGAN, Patrick Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
MANGAN, Patrick Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
MCGILL, Thomas D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 17, 1864 Deserted July 14, 1865
MESSICK, Daniel W 1st Serg. Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Killed in action Mar 1, 1862
METCALF, William J Recruit Murry Co. Ten. --- Deserted Apr 12, 1862
MILLER, George W Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
MILLER, James Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Jun 3, 1865
MILLER, Robert A Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
MILLS, Wesley D&S Recruit Franklin Oct 26, 1864 Dischared to date July 10, 1865
MOORE, Henry T Recruit Carlinville --- Died at Pittsburg Landing Mar 25, 1865
MOSIER, Thomas D&S Recruit --- Oct 26, 1864 Sub. M.O. Sep 16, 1865
MOUNT, James W D&S Recruit Chicago Oct 10, 1864 Mustered out Apr 11, 1865
MULHOLLAND, Joseph D&S Recruit --- Oct 18, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
NAIL, Henry Private --- Oct 22, 1861 Transfered to Co. I
NEELY, Charles J Recruit Carlinville Jan 4, 1864 Mustered out July 27, 1865
OSBORN, Alfred J Private Summerville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
OSBURN, Alfred J Veteran Carrollton Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Aug 8, 1865
OUSTERBOUCHER, Fr'd'k D&S Recruit --- Oct 13, 1864 Sub. Never reported to Co.
PATTERSON, John T Recruit Bethal Tenn. --- Wounded at Shiloh; Missing since
PENN, Benjamin H Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Tr. To Co. B. As Captain
PERVINES, William Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
PHILLIPS, John W Recruit --- --- Tr. to 6th Miss. U.S.C.T.
PHILLIPS, Thaddeus Captain Carlinville --- Resigned Nov 4, 1862
PIPER, James P D&S Recruit --- Oct 14, 1864 Sub.M.O. Sep 16, 1865
PLEBIS, Joseph D&S Recruit --- Oct 19, 1864 Sub.Deserted Jun 26, 1865
PULLIAM, Elijah C Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Transfered to Co. H
REDMAN, William R Veteran Carlinville Jan 2, 1864 Deserted July 22, 1865
REDMAN, William R Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
REUBENDALL, Henry D&S Recruit Buckeye Oct 17, 1864 Never reported to Co.
RICE, John M Veteran Hamilton Jan 2, 1864 M.O. Sep 16, 1865 as Serg't
RICE, John M Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
RICHARDSON, Hardin T Captain Carlinville May 20, 1865 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
RICHARDSON, Hardin T 1st Lt. Carlinville Jan 27, 1865 Promoted [Apr 25, 1865]
RICHARDSON, Harden T Veteran Shaw's Point Jan 2, 1864 Promoted Serg't. Major
RICHARDSON, Hardin T Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
RIGHTNOWER, Geo W D&S Recruit --- Oct 21, 1864 Sub. Died at Savannah Ga. Feb 5, 1865
ROBERTSON, Henry T Recruit Bethel Tenn --- Deserted Apr 6, 1862
ROBERTSON, Joseph M Recruit Bethel Tenn. --- Deserted Apr 6, 1862
ROBINSON, William C D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 14, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
RODGERS, Charles Corporal Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Sep 1, 1862; wounds
ROSS, John C Private Plainview Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Oct 31, 1862: Disabil.
RUSHEN, Robert A Veteran Carrollton Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
RUSHER, Robert Corporal Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
SANDERS, Georg D&S Recruit --- Oct 13, 1864 Sub. Never reported to co,
SCHOWALTER, Abraham Private Plainvie Oct 22, 1861 Transfered to Co. I
SCHRAFF, Oswald D&S Recruit --- Oct 23, 1864 Drafted M.O. July 27, 1865
SHERMAN, John H Private --- Oct 22, 1861 Transferred to Co. H
SHIELS, Thomas D&S Recruit --- Oct 19, 1864 Sub.M.O. Jun 26, 1865
SINCLAIR, William C Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
SMITH, Charles D&S Recruit --- --- Deserted Jun 26, 1865
SMITH, Charles D&S Recruit   Oct 21, 1864 Sub. Transferred to Co. 1
SMITH, Francis M D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 15, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
SMITH, Joseph D&S Recruit --- Sep 9,1864 Drafted M.O. Jun 3, 1865
SMITH, William D&S Recruit --- Sep 22, 1864 Mustered out Jun 3, 1865
SNYDER, Sebastian D&S Recruit --- Oct 17, 1864 Drafted M.O. May 30, 1865
SQUIRES, John A Private Virden Oct 22, 1861 Died at Cairo Apr 30, 1864
STOCKTON, Benjamin F Private Macoupin Co. Oct 22, 1861 Tr to Inv. C'rps Sep 15, 1863
STRAN, Isaac Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Tr. to Inv. C'rps Sep 15, 1863
SUTTON, Jesse Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Tr. to Inv. C'rps Sep 15, 1863
TAGGART, Charles K Recruit Carlinville Apr 30, 1862 Disch. Apr 21, 1862: Disabilty
TATE, Ezekiel D&S Recruit --- Oct 15, 1864 Sub. M.O. Sep 16, 1865
TAYLOR, John D&S Recruit --- Oct 17, 1864 Sub. Never reported to Co.
TAYLOR, John W Veteran Plainview Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
TAYLOR, John W Private Plainview Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
TENNIS, Jarrett Private Macoupun Co. Oct 22, 1861 Tr. to Inv. C'rps Sep 15, 1863
THAYER, William Corporal Plainview Oct 22, 1861 Disch. Sep 1, 1862: Wounds
THORNTON, George Veteran Chesterfield Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
THORNTON, George Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
TILLIE, Samuel Recruit Carlinville Apr 21, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
TOLL, William Sergeant Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Died at Evansville Ind.Apr 10, 1862
TOWSE, Watson Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Mustered out Sep 21, 1864
TROUT, James D&S Recruit Jefferson Co. Oct 15, 1864 Discharged Jun 26, 1865
VANARSDALE, James A Sergeant Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Killed at Shiloh Apr 6, 1862
VICTOR, Ferdinand D&S Recruit Pilot Grove Oct 14, 1864 Never reported to Co.
WALTER, Jacob P D&S Recruit Buckeye Oct 17, 1864 Died at Annapolis Mar 18, 1865
WEBSTER, Silas W Veteran Litchfield Jan 2, 1864 Deserted July 18, 1865
WEBSTER, Silas W Private Shop Creek Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
WICKERSHAM, Jona A Veteran Litchfield Jan 2, 1864 Corp'l. Absent sick at M.O. of Regiment
WICKERSHAM, Jona'n A Private Macoupin Co. Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
WILEY, Walker Veteran Chesterfield Jan 2, 1864 Died Andersonville Pris'n Mar 5, 1865. Gr. 12732
WILEY, Walker Private Chesterfield Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
WILKINS, Frederick Recruit Godfrey Feb 29, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
WILKINS, Frederick Private --- Oct 22, 1861 Dicsh. Oct 20, 1862: Disabil.
WILSON, Thomas Private Butler Oct 22, 1861 Wounded at Shiloh; Missing since
WISEMAN, Isaac N Recruit Plainville Jan 18, 1864 Deserted July 30, 1865
WOODS, Alexander Veteran Bunker Hill Jan 2, 1864 M.O. Sep 16, 1865 as Corp.
WOODS, Alexander Private Bunker Hill Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran
WORK, William W Recruit Carlinville Mar 28, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
YOUNG, George D&S Recruit Green Park Oct 18, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
ZINMAKER, Phillip Veteran Bunker Hill Jan 2, 1864 Mustered out Sep 16, 1865
ZIMMAKER, Phillip Private Carlinville Oct 22, 1861 Re-enlisted as Veteran

D&S Recruit = Drafted or Substitute Recruit

Transcribed by Christine Ross <>

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