Company "B" 77th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ALEXANDER, Andrew Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died at Young's Point, La., Feb 13, 1863
ALEXANDER, John Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
ARNOLD, Joseph Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr 130th Ill., as revived
BANKS, Absalom Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sergt. Re-tr. 130 Ill. revived
BAILEY, Charles Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
BANKS, John A. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
BARNEY, Harvey Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Discharged June 10, 1865
BECK, A. W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Died of disease Feb 1865
BENSKINS, Wesley J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
BENSON, James H. Private Putnam Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. D. Oct 1, 1862
BIRD, John M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
BLAKESLEE, William W. Private Peoria Sep 2 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
BOBBETT, Frank Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Dec 21, 1862
BOMAN, William G. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
BRENN, John Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
BROWN, W.H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
BUNCH, Thaddeus M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
CALKINS, Lyman S. Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
CHAMBERS, George Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died Apr 12, 1864; wounds
CLEVEY, Samuel N. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
CLEVEY, William J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
COMPTON, Hiram Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died. Magnolia, Sep 29, 1863
COMPTON, Stephen Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died at Milliken's Bend, La., Mar 19, 1863
CONNER, Jacob M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
CONNERS, Elijah Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sergt. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
CONOVER, Andrew J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Mustered out May 25, 1865
COOK, Francis M. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Apr 16, 1863
COOK, Samuel W. 2nd Lt. Magnolia May 29, 1863 Resigned Sep 13, 1864
COOK, Samuel W. Sergeant Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [Mar 2, 1863]
COTTERELL, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
COTTERELL, Silas Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
DELAPP, James K.P. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
DUFFY, Andrew Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. D, Oct 1, 1862
DUGAN, William Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died. New Orleans, La., Feb 18, 1865
DUNBAR, Rice Musician Hennepin Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
EDMISTON, D.L. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Mus'n. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
EDMISTON, Thomas Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
ELLENBURGH, James Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 4, 1865
ELLENBURGH, Marion Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged May 13, 1865
ELY, Jacob Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Killed at Mansfield, La., Apr 8, 1864
EVANS, George L. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
FISHER, Elias Private Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Feb 18, 1863
FITZGERALD, William H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Sergt. Re-tr. 130 Ill. revived
FOSTER, Henry Sergeant Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Dec. 20, 1862
FULSOM, William F. Private Hennepin Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Apr 16, 1863
GERMAN, William Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged at Memphis
GILLESPIE, William H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
GLECK, George H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
GRABLE, Samuel Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Killed at Arkansas Post. Jan 11, 1863
GRIMES, Aaron Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Apr 16, 1863
GRUMMONS, Levi T. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
GURNES, Hamilton Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died at Milliken's Bend, La., March 28, 1863
HARNED, Joseph C. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
HARRIS, Miles J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
HARRIS, Thomas G. Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865. Com. 1st Lt., but not mustered
HAVELL, Thomas C. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
HEAD, Isaac B. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 1, 1865
HEAD, William W. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HEAP, Charles W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
HENTHORN, Charles Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
HERRICK, Flavius G. Private Minonk Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. H, Oct 1, 1862
HINES, Robert Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Tr. to V.R.C., May 15, 1864
HOESSEL, John A. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Disch. at Mound City, Ill., Nov 21, 1863
HOLMES, George M. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged June 20, 1864
HORNER, Samuel Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
HOUGH, John Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Prom. 1st Lt. and Adjut't
INGLES, Andrew Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
INGLES, William Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
IRWIN, Robert Captain Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Killed in battle of Arkansas Post, Jan 15, 1863
JACKSON, David W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
JOHNSON, William P. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died near Vicksburg, July 25, 1863
JONES, Amos Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Discharged May 31, 1865
JONES, Enoch Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
JONES, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Discharged March 8, 1865
JONES, Thomas Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
KAYS, George W. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Dec 20, 1862
KAYS, Henry B. 1st Lt. Putnam Sep 2, 1862 Resigned Dec 15, 1862
KAYS, Marion Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died. Memphis, June 8, 1863
KELLING, Alf. F. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria --- Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived.
KETCHUM, Joshua Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. H. Oct 1, 1862
KING, James Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
KING, William Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Jan 16, 1864
KRAFT, Hiram Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged July 11, 1864
KRAMER, Lewis W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
LANDIS, Jesse Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
LEATHERS, Jacob Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
LEWALLEN, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
LUCAS, John M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
MACOMBER, John E. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
MALONE, James Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged March 12, 1863
MASSIE, John Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged July 25, 1864
McCALEB, Addison E. Captain Robertstown Not mustered Resigned April 8, 1863, as 1st Lt.
McCALEB, Addison E. 2nd Lt. Robertstown Sep 2, 1862 Promoted [Jan 16, 1863]
McCARLIN, Williamson Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
McCLOUD, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
McCULLOCH, George Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
McFARLAND, Henry S. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Died at Young's Point, La., March 4, 1863
MILLS, John W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
MILLS, Milton Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
MOOREHOUSE, Levi S. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
MOYER, Griffith Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. D, Oct 1, 1862
MURDEN, Alonzo F. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Peoria March 14, 1865 Tr. to 130th Ill., as revived
NELLING, Philip Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864
NORRIS, Silas Musician Hennepin Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
OLDHAM, William Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Feb 13, 1863
ONG, Roger Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PARKIN, David Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Aug 25, 1864
PARROTT, Orange 2nd Lt. Magnolia March 17, 1865 Mustered out July 10, 1865
PARROTT, Orange Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Prom. 1st Serg., then 2d Lt. [Sep 13, 1864]
PIERCE, Joseph C. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
PEW, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
POTTS, Nathan Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
POYER, Abram L. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died near Cairo, Ill., Feb 19, 1863
POYER. Jonathan Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Magnolia Sep 28, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
RAWLINGS, Shadrack Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
RAY, Jesse Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged at Memphis
REEVES, Miles Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Wag'r. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived
REINHARD, Simeon B. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
ROBERTS, James M. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
ROBERTS, John A. Private Lacon Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
RULEY, John Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
SALSETIN, Henry Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
SAMONIEL, Frank Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
SANDERS, James W. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
SCHERMEMAN, Aug'st's Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
SCOTT, Mercellus Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
SERGEANT, Edward Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died, Memphis, Dec 19, 1862
SHAROL, Ira C. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
SIMPSON, David Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
SIMPSON, Lewis E. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Aug 12, 1863
SMITH, Ervin O. Corporal Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged Apr 8, 1863
SMITH, Franklin Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 22, 1865
SPRAGUE, Isaac 1st Serg. Palatine Sep 2, 1862 Discharged June 15, 1863
STEEL, Hezekiah Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
STEIN, John Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
STEVENSON, Joe H. Private Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Promoted Q.M. Sergeant
STEVISON, Joe. H. Captain Peoria March 1, 1863 Mustered out June 13, 1865
STEVISON, Joe. H. 2nd Lt. Peoria Jan 16, 1863 Promoted [Jan 16, 1863]
STIFFLEY, Martin L. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
STOLTZ, Samuel Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
STUDIVAN, Jesse Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged June 31, 1863
SWAZEY, Edward Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Died Jan 16, 1863; wounds
THOMAS, William H. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
TRACY, Charles C. 1st Lt. Peoria Jan 16, 1863 Mustered out at consol. Jan 25, 1865
TRACY, Charles C. Private Peoria Sep 2, 1862 Promoted 1st Lt. [Jan 16, 1863]
TRENIER, Joseph Private Minonk Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. D., Oct 1, 1862
UTTERBACK, Elsworth Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Vermilion March 15, 1865 Tr. to 130th Ill, as revived
VAN WINKLE, Jacob Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865
VANHOME, Samuel Private Magnolia   M.O. July 10, 1865, as Corp'l. Com. 2d Lt.;
WALCOTT, John Sergeant Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865, as private
WARREN, Thomas V. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
WAY, Eli Tingle Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged April 8, 1863
WEIR, James Sergeant Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out July 10, 1865, as private
WEIREMAN, Benj'min L. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. Magnolia Sep 13, 1864 Mustered out July 10, 1865
WELSER, George W. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out May 25, 1865
WEST, William Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
WILLIAMS, John H. Private Minonk Sep 2, 1862 Trans. to Co. H, Oct 1, 1862
WILSON, Daniel Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
WINTERS, Daniel E. Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Tr. to V.R.C. June 27, 1865, M.O. July 18, 1865
WOODRING, Allen Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Mustered out June 17, 1865
WOODRING, Geo. Nelson Private Magnolia Sep 2, 1862 Discharged May 13, 1865
WORLEY, Francis M. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Re-tr. 130th Ill., as revived
YOUNG, Andrew J. Rec. trans. from 130th Ill. Inf. -- --- Corp. Re-tr. 130 Ill., revived

Transcribed by Kathy Baker

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