Company "B" 103rd Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ALMS, Andrew Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out May 19, 1865
ALMS, Henry Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
ANNO, Henry Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died at Camp Sherman, Miss., Aug 27, 1863
ANNO, James W. Recruit Goodland Dec 15, 1863 Killed at Kenesaw Mt., Jun 27, 1864
ARRINGDALE, Francis Private Union Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
BAKER, James D. Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Apr 13, 1863
BEER, Simeon B. 2nd Lt. Young Hickory Feb 11, 1863 Resigned Aug 10, 1863
BEER, Simeon B. 1st Sgt. Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Promoted 2nd Lt. [Feb 5, 1863]
BOWERS, Daniel Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died at Camp Sherman, Miss., Sept 17, 1863
BOWERS, Joseph Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Resaca, Ga., May 14, 1864
BRUNNER, Johnson Corporal Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Trans. to Inv. Corps in 1863
BURROWS, James Private Orin Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
CARPENTER, John H. Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
CARPENTER, Oramel D. Captain Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Resigned Apr 7, 1863
CLARK, Henry Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Mission Ridge Nov 25, 1863
CLINE, Louis Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Mar 18, 1863
CUNNINGHAM, Abr'm H. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Corp'l
DAILEY, James A. Corporal Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Sgt
DAILY, John F. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 15, 1865
DARLAND, Benjamin M. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died at home, Sept 22, 1863
DAVIS, Ebenezer Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Discharged Mar 10, 1864
DONNEY, Frank E. Recruit Henry Oct 2, 1862 ----
ELLIOTT, Cyrus Private Lee Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
FISHER, Christ. B. Corporal Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Sgt
FISHER, John W. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out May 22, 1865 as Corp'l
FISHER, Joshua J. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 1st Sgt. Trans. to Inv.Corps Apr 5, 1864
FLOWERS, William B. Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out May 30, 1865; was pris.
FRY, Isaac Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Died, Rome, Ga., Aug 6, 1864
GARDNER, John S. 1st Lt. Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Resigned Feb 5, 1863
GLADMAN, Thomas Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Absent, sick at M.O. of Regt
GLASS, Uriah J. Private Union Oct 2, 1862 Corp'l. Absent, wounded at M.O. of Regt.
HALL, Joshua Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Trans. to 40th Ill. Inf. Jun 19, 1865
HANCOCK, Edward Corporal Deerfield Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Pvt
HANEY, Henry Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Corp'l
HEARTLEY, John Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
HEARTLEY, William L. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Discharged May 7, 1863
HENRY, John Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died, Dec 20, 1863
HIBBARD, James E.G. Sergeant Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Pvt.
HITES, Thomas Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
HUMMELL, Samuel Private Lee Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Corp'l
HUMMELL, William Corporal Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Sgt. Absent, wounded at M.O. of Regt.
JACKSON, Ira Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out July 14, 1865
JAMIESON, Ezra Recruit Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died, Memphis, Jun 19, 1863
KEPLER, Samuel Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Died at Camp Sherman, Miss., Aug 24, 1863
KINGSWORTH, John Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Discharged Mar 9, 1863
KUHN, Conrad Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
LAUMAN, Elijah Sergeant Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Kenesaw Mt., Jun 28, 1864
MANTANYA, Amos Private Lee Oct 2, 1862 Died at Lagrange, Tenn., Apr 10, 1863
MANTANYA, Sylvester Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Kenesaw Mt., Jun 27, 1864
MARKLY, John F. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died at Lagrange, Tenn., Jan 12, 1863
MARKLY, Marian Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died at Jackson, Tenn., Mar 6, 1863
MARTIN, Louis Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
McCLERG, John E. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Apr 13, 1863
McCLERG, William Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 M.O. May 30, 1865; was pris.
MONTGOMERY, Adam Private Deerfield Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
MONTGOMERY, George Private Deerfield Oct 2, 1862 Wounded, absent at M.O. of Regt
MONTGOMERY, Richard Private Lee Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Mission Ridge Nov 25, 1863
MORRIS, P.W. Recruit Galesburg Feb 10, 1864 Trans. to 40th Ill. Inf. Jun 20, 1865
NORVILL, Elisha Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Sgt
OVERMAN, Oscar Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Corp'l
PALMER, Archibald D. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Griswoldville, Ga., Nov 22, 1864
PARKER, Allen S. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died, Memphis, Oct 5, 1863
PARVIN, Elam A. Musician Maquon Oct 2, 1862 Appointed Prin. Musician
PEPITT, William Private Union Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Mission Ridge, Nov 25, 1863
POTTER, Alfred P. Wagoner Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out May 29, 1865
PRATT, Thomas Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Apr 13, 1863
PROSSER, Joseph Corporal Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Discharged May 2, 1863
REED, William Private Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Sgt
REED, William Recruit Chesney ---- ----
RIST, Jacob W. Corporal Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Mar 9, 1863
ROBERTS, Joseph T. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Discharged Mar 10, 1864
SCHAEFER, Henry E. Musician Fairview Oct 2, 1862 Appointed Prin. Musician [Aug 14, 1862]
SEE, Daniel Private Canton Oct 2, 1862 Discharged Apr 16, 1863
SEWARD, Jasper J. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Mar 18, 1863
SHOEMAKER, Abraham Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
SMITH, Allen W. Sergeant Fairview Oct 2, 1862 Died at Lagrange, Tenn., Mar 19, 1863
SMITH, Andrew Captain Ellisville Sept 24, 1864 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
SMITH, Andrew 1st Lt. Ellisville Nov 26, 1863 Promoted [Sept 23, 1864]
SMITH, Andrew Sergeant Ellisville Oct 2, 1862 Promoted 1st Lt. [Nov 25, 1863]
SMITH, Joseph J. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Died, Memphis, Jan 18, 1863
SPEER, John G. Private Deerfield Oct 2, 1862 Died, Rome, Ga., July 10, 1864
STOBAUGH, James Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Deserted Aug 18, 1864
SWARTZ, Christ'pher M. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
SWARTZ, Henry Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
SWARTZ, John M. 1st Lt. Young Hickory Mar 27, 1865 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
SWARTZ, John W. Recruit Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Promoted 1st Lt. [Sep 23, 1864]
TERRY, William L. Private Union Oct 2, 1862 Trans. to Inv. Corps Sept 2, 1863
VOLMAR, Daniel Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865
WALSH, William Captain Fairview Apr 28, 1863 Killed at Mission Ridge Nov 25, 1863
WALSH, William 1st Lt. Fairview Mar 2, 1863 Promoted [Apr 7, 1863]
WALSH, William 2nd Lt. Fairview Oct 2, 1862 Promoted [Feb 5, 1863]
WHEELER, Joseph H. Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Mustered out Jun 21, 1865 as Corp'l
WHITING, John E. Private Deerfield Oct 2, 1862 Died at Jackson, Tenn., Feb 2, 1863
WHITING, Salathiel Private Deerfield Oct 2, 1862 Died at home, Nov 5, 1863
WILKINSON, George J. Captain Farmington Feb 26, 1864 Died Sept 23, 1864; wounds
WILKINSON, George J. 1st Lt. Farmington Apr 7, 1863 Promoted [Nov 25, 1863]
ZERBY, William Private Young Hickory Oct 2, 1862 Killed at Mission Ridge, Nov 25, 1863

Transcribed by Tom Tyler Skrentny, Jr

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