Company "C" 114th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ABEL, Oramel H. 1st Lt. Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Promoted Adjutant
BANISTER, Judy J. Musician Fancy Prairie Sep 18, 1862 Dropped as des. Nov 20, 1864
BARNES, Allen Private Sangamon co. Sep 18, 1862 Corp’l. Abst., sick, at M.O. or Reg. M.O. Aug 3, 1865
BARNES, Warner Recruit Franklin Jan 21, 1865 Discharged May 26, 1865
BATES, Aseph Private Menard co. Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
BLACKLEDGE, Wm. J. Recruit White Hall Jan 21, 1865 Trans to Co. A, 58th Ill. Inf.
BLUE, William M. Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Killed at Guntown, Miss., Jun 10, 1864
BRITTON, William T. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
BRODERICK, H. George Private Camp Butler Sep 18, 1862 Corporal. Died at Davis’ Mills, Miss., Jan 1, 1863
BROMBARGER, John Private Jamestown Sep 18, 1862 Trans. to Invalid Corps
BRONSON, Augustus J. Private Elkhart Sep 18, 1862 Pro. Hos’l St’w’d, Jan 1, 1864
BROWN, Henry F. Sergeant Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as 1st Sgt.
BROWN, James B. Recruit Williamsville Feb 22, 1864 Trans. to Co. A, 58th Ill. Inf.
BRYANT, Homer N. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Disch. May 31, 1865; disabil.
BUMFORD, William Recruit Williamsville Nov 30, 1863 Killed at Tupelo, Miss., July 13, 1864
BURCH, Benjamin F. Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
CABILL, Matthew Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
CANTRALL, Albert A. Sergeant Athens Sep 18, 1862 Died at Wilmington, N.C., Mar 2, 1865, Caused by starvation in rebel prison
CANTRALL, Hiram Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
CANTRALL, Jesse Captain Fancy Creek Dec 25, 1863 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
CANTRALL, Jesse 1st Lt. Fancy Prairie Apr 2, 1863 Promoted [Aug 8, 1863]
CANTRALL, Jesse 2nd Lt. Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Promoted [Jan 20, 1863]
CANTRALL, John P. Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Sep 2, 1863; disabil.
CANTRALL, William Sergeant Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Died, Memphis, July 9, 1864
CANTRALL, Young M. Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Corp’l. Died at Cowan’s Plantation, July 1, 1863
CLINE, James Recruit Mt. Hope Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Serg’t
CONNINGTON, James Private Indian Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
COUNCIL, Hardy F. M. Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
COUNCIL, William C. Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Corp’l
COVER, Addison Recruit --- Feb 9, 1865 Trans to Co. A, 58th Ill. Inf.
COVER, Francis Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
CRABBS, Edward M. Private Willliamsville Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
DOWNS, James Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 115th Ill. Inf., Oct 1, 1862
DRISKELL, David S. Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Died Jan 13, 1864, as home
FRISBEY, Charles Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Died at Jackson, Miss., Feb 3, 1863
FULKERSON, Abraham Corporal Menard co. Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out May 17, 1865
FULKERSON, William Corporal --- Sep 18, 1862 Private, Died in Greene co., Ill., Sep 20, 1864
GERMAN, Henry Private Sangamon co. Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
GILLISPIE, Bryon Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
GRIFFITH, James Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Corp’l. Killed at Tupelo, Miss., July 15, 1864
GROVE, John H. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Corp’l
HALL, James Musician Sangamon co. Sep 18, 1862 Deserted Dec 1, 1862
HALLADAY, Isaac N. Private St. Albans Sep 18, 1862 Died, C’p Butler, Nov 10, 1862
HEADRICK, William Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Deserted Dec 1, 1862
HEDRICK, Munson Corporal Sangamon co. Sep 18, 1862 Died, Vicksburg, Oct 12, 1863
HOFFMAN, James C. Recruit Round Grove Jan 3, 1865 Trans. to Co. A, 58th Ill. Inf.
HOLLAND, William H. Corporal Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 M.O. to date may 30, 1865, as private; was prisoner
HORNBAKER, William Private Clear Lake Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as wag’r.
HUNT, James Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Drop’d as desert’r, Oct 1, 1864
HUTCHISON, Charles A. Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Mar 29, 1865; disabil.
HUTCHISON, Jacob B. Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Died at home, Oct 9, 1862
JOHNSON, Irwin 1st Lt. Springfield Jan 1, 1864 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
JOHNSON, Irwin 1st Serg. Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Promoted 2d Lieutenant [Jan 20, 1863]
JOHNSON, Irwin 2nd Lt. Springfield Apr 2, 1863 Promoted [Aug 8, 1863]
JONES, Charles S. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Oct 29, 1864; disabil.
JONES, Joshua Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Deserted Nov 8, 1862
JONES, Leandere Corporal Antioch Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Serg’t.
KING, William Corporal Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Mar 6, 1863; disabil.
KINNAMON, Andrew J. Private Sangamon co. Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
KINNAMON, Anthony W. Private Sangamon co. Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
LANGSTON, John W. Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Kil’d, Nashville, Dec 15, 1864
LAWRENCE, William Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865; wounded
LYTLE, Simeon Private Rochester Sep 18, 1862 Died in rebel prison, at Florence, S.C., Feb 7, 1865
MAJORS, George Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Corporal, Tr. to V.R.C., Mar 15, 1865
MALLORY, William A. Captain Clear Lake Sep 18, 1862 Resigned Aug 8, 1863
MARTIN, George Private Cantrall’s Creek Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Oct 29, 1864; disabil.
MAY, William Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Jan 4, 1863; disabil.
McCLELLAND, Thomas S. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Corp’l
MILLINGER, Samuel Private Cantrall’s Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
MILLS, Washington Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Corp’l
MITCHELL, James H. Private --- Sep 18, 1862 Wag’n’r, Died May 6, 1864, of accidental pistol wound.
MITTS, John Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
MOORE, Charles H. Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Transferred to 58th Ill. Inf.
NELSON, John Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
PARKER, Charles S. Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 1st Sgt. Died, rebel prison, at Cahawba, Ala., Mar 4, 1865
PARKS, Henry Private Cooper Sep 18, 1862 Died at Chickasaw Bluff, May 28, 1863
PRATHER, Washington B. Recruit Round Grove Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as Corp’l
PRICE, Josiah Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
PRIMM, William H. Corporal Athens Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865, as private
SAFFORD, Jerome B. Private --- Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
SAMSON, Charles H. Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
SAMSON, John W. Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Died at Florence, S.C., Feb 13, 1865; prisoner of war
SAMSON, William Private Springfield Sep 18, 1862 Discharged Feb 23, 1865
SEARS, Benjamin F. Recruit Cooper Sep 18, 1862 Died Feb 26, 1865; wounds
SEBRINY, Peter Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Died at Duckport, La., May 1, 1863
SHEEHAN, John Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Deserted Mar 6, 1863
SIMONS, Joseph Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 M.O. to date Jun 19, 1865; prisoner of war
SMITH, John Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Discharged Jun 17, 1864
SMITH, William O. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Died at home, Oct 15, 1862
STANFIELD, Martin H. Private --- Sep 18, 1862 Disch. Jan 4, 1863; disabil.
STAPLES, William Private Clear Lake Sep 18, 1862 M.O. to date May 30, 1865; prisoner of war
STEFFEN, Henry C. F. Private Salisbury Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
STEPHENS, John Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
THOMAS, Elisha Private Clear lake Sep 18, 1862 M.O. to date May 30, 1865; prisoner of war
TUFTS, Charles C. Private Fancy Creek Sep 18, 1862 Died, Vicksburg, Nov 3, 1863
TUTTLE, Sylvanus Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Corp’l. Killed at Vicksburg, May 19, 1863
WILSON, Clinton Private Wolf Creek Sep 18, 1862 M.O. Aug 3, 1865; wounded
WILSON, John W. Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Died at home, Oct 14, 1862
WOOD, John Private Athens Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
YOKUM, Jefferson Private Williamsville Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865
YOKUM, William, Jr. Private Wolf Creek Sep 18, 1862 Mustered out Aug 3, 1865

Transcribed by Gary Thomas

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