Company "K" 130th Illinois Infantry
Name Rank Residence Date of
ALBRIGHT, James W Private Paris Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
ALLISON, Isaac Private Willow Hill Oct 25, 1862 ---
ALLISON, John Private Willow Hill Oct 25, 1862 ---
ANKROM, William H Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
BAKER, John A Private Neoga Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
BAKER, Lloyd D Private Elkton Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
BARTLETTE, Job Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
BLIZZARD, James Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
BOYER, John Private Mattoon Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
BRADLEY, Leonidas H Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Promoted Q.M. Sergeant
BRYAN, Jonas Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
CHASTEN, John W Corporal --- Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Inv. Corps, Oct 1, 1864
CHENOWITH, Charles M Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Inv. Corps, Oct 1, 1864
CLINE, Elijah Wagoner --- Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
COOPER, James M Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
CORNWELL, Rector Private Melrose Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
CRUMRIN, James Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
CUNNINGHAM, James Private Paris Oct 25, 1862 Mustered out Aug 23, 1865
DILLMAN, Henry Private Yale Oct 25, 1862 ---
ELAM, William Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
FERGUSON, William Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
FLESHER, Isaac Recruit --- --- Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
GAMRON, James Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
GATES, Elijah H Private Esyno, Mich. Oct 25, 1862 ---
GREEN, George Private Oquawka Oct 25, 1862 ---
GRIFFIN, Austin A Sergeant Paris Oct 25, 1862 Prom. 2d Lt. 25th La. Col. Troops, Dec 21, 1863
GUARD, Robert S Private Casey Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
HADDIX, Alfred Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
HALL, Edwin D Private Darwin Oct 25, 1862 ---
HALL, Erastus Private Terre Haute, Ia. Oct 25, 1862 ---
HAMILTON, John P Private --- Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Inv. Corps, Sep 1, 1864
HAMMEL, Archie Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
HARDY, Asa B Private Casey Oct 25, 1862 ---
HARGROVE, John Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
HARRIS, James Jr Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
HARRIS, James Sr Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
HICKMAN, Andrew Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
HICKMAN, Samuel Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Disch, Aug 13, 1863; disabil.
HOFFMAN, William R Corporal Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
HOLLINSWORTH, Lewis Corporal Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Inv. Corps, Sep 29, 1864
HUNT, Laurentio G Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 Trans. to Co. G, Jan 1, 1864
HUNT, Volney G Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 ---
JACOBS, Philander F Private Baldwinsville Oct 25, 1862 ---
JEFFERS, Hamilton Corporal York Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
KENNEDY, George Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
KENNEDY, Jackson Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Died, St Louis, Apr 17, 1864
KIRBY, Charles A Private Paris Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
KIRBY, William Private Oakland Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
LEIGH, William H Private Scipio, Pa Oct 25, 1862 Prom. Sergeant Major
LINCOLN, John R Corporal Elkton Oct 25, 1862 ---
MARTIN, Andrew S 2nd Lt. Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. F, 130th (revived)
MARTIN, Benson Sergeant Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
MAXWELL, Thomas Private York Oct 25, 1862 ---
McCABE, Arthur B Corporal Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Prom. 2d Lt. 25th La. Col. Troops, Dec 21, 1863
McMANUS, John Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 ---
METCALF, James Private --- Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
MORGAN, Jeremiah Private Elkton Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
MYERS, James M Musician Casey Oct 25, 1862 ---
MYERS, Samuel D Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
O'BRIEN, Andrew Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
POOL, William C 1st Lt. Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Discharged May 27, 1865
PRICE, James C Sergeant Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
PRICKETT, Perry Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
RHODES, Daniel Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
ROBERTS, Henry Private Willow Hill Oct 25, 1862 ---
ROBERTS, Thomas Private Willow Hill Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
ROLLINS, William H Corporal --- Oct 25, 1862 Disch, July 25, 1864; disabil.
ROSS, Henry Private Chicago Oct 25, 1862 ---
ROSS, John Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
RUTHERFORD, John Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 ---
SCOTT, Hugh Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
SCOTT, Joseph Corporal Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
SHIELDS, John Private Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
SNEDAKER, John G Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 ---
SNYDER, James Musician --- Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
STEEL, William P Private Livingston Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
TRUE, William Private Whitefield Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
TUTT, James P Sergeant York Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
WESTBROOKS, Geo. W Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
WHITE, Stephen Private --- Oct 25, 1862 Transferred to Co. D
WHITLOCK, Young 1st Serg. Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
WILKIN, Jacob W Captain Marshall Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. C, 130th (revived)
WILSON, Daniel Private Olney Oct 25, 1862 See Company H
WOLVERTON, Jacob Private Baldwinsville Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.
WOLVERTON, Levi Private Baldwinsville Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Inv. Corps, Oct 1, 1864
WORLEY, Francis Recruit Bridgeport --- See Company H
YOUNG, George W Private --- Oct 25, 1862 ---
YOUNG, Samuel W Private Paris Oct 25, 1862 Tr. to Co. K, 77th Ill. Inf.

Transcribed by Jim Willison

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