Newspaper Articles Regarding Reunions of Co. D, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry

Submitted by Craig Crawford, whose gr-gr-grandfather, John Moreland, was a member of Co. D, 115th Illinois Volunteer Infantry and participated in the "Battle of Buzzard Roost Gap"

Go to page 1 or page 2 of Newspaper Articles describing the Reunions of the 115th Illinois, Co. D

See also newspaper articles describing the "Battle of Buzzard Roost Gap"

Veterans of Schuyler and Brown Counties Assemble at Ripley.

The day at Ripley was ideal for an outing of the people, and on Friday, the 18th, the occasion of the annual reunion of the soldiers and sailors of Brown and Schuyler counties was all that could be anticipated. The park in the center of the village is a delightful resort and we are told it is the only park in Brown county. Other towns should look to this and govern themselves accordingly.

Promptly at 9 o'clock the band concert begun and at this early hour a large crowd had assembled from the surrounding vicinity to enjoy the patriotic strains of Ribley's most excellent band. Following this the old soldiers parade took plac with "Old Glory" unfurled. The bands and drum corps and with the shrill and stirring music of fife and snare drum re-echoed the scenes and experience of forty years ago, when the old vets enlisted and were mustered in and followed the martial music to the front. With flags and streamers flying and drums beating fast, the scene was great. This gathering however was for peace and indicated the intelligence, comfort and happiness afforded all who will industriously pursue it.

The song, "American National Ode" was accompanied by several pieces of the cornet band and was vigorously rendered.

Hon. W. I. Manny delivered the address of welcome. He struck a very happy vein and put everybody in good humor. When he said the word spelled with four letters - Love - meant in such a gathering as this and in all neighborhoods - friendship and fidelity and sympathy toward one another. In times of national difficulties - patriotism and loyalty, and sacrifice for the perpetuity of government. The devotion and sacrifice of the old soldiers was illustrated by recounting the incidents of Gettysburg and Antietam, and recitiation of the incident in Napolean's army when defeat was imminent and the great French commander ordered the drummer boy to beat a retreat. The drummer boy informed his commander that he could not beat a retreat, not having learned one, but he could beat a "charge" and he did so, when the army rallied and won the battle.

Rev. Mr. Ince, of Quincy, being present and on the program for an after dinner address, was called forward and held his large congregation for thirty minutes in wrapt attention. The point of his remarks was the reserve power of America. The success of the soldiers at the front in all the wars especially that of the Civil and spanish American wars was due in a great measure to reserve force. The corn and pork that was produced at home in incalculable supplies meant the reserve force. The home and the devoted wives and daughters and the public schools were counted as reserve forces of our American institution. He said ??? as we preserve inviolate our ??? public schools and our churches and institutions of learning and devotion to the causes of humanity.

Dinner was next on program and adjournment was taken till 1 o'clock.

Immediately at two o'clock the election of officers was held which resulted in the selection for

On motion it was resolved to meet in Rushville next year, the date to be determined later.

The crowd at this hour had doubled that at the morning when the park seemed to be crowded and vehicles were coming in on all roads in great processions. The Rev. J. Edward Artz, being on the program for 2 o'clock, was unable to be present on account of a funeral service at that hour.

The Rushville high school quartette, the Misses Ada Foote and Alta Browning, were present and pleasantly entertained the people in their several different parts; also the male quartette of Ripley.


Mrs. Elizabeth Burgesser, aged ?? years, was present and was presented to the audience as the first child born in Brown county.

Sam Robinson, of Brooklyn, and ? fife whose shrill notes could be heard above the drum corps, was much enjoyed during the intervals.

Rushville drum corps was an attractive feature and the boys in their immaculate uniforms were more attractive to the smiling lassies.

The livery stables did a land-office ???

It was estimated that several thousand people were on the ground at noon and more as the day advanced.

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