John Schlafke
Company D, 107th Illinois Volunteer Infantry
Clinton Public
January 22, 1892
Within eight days three of the old soldiers who served during the war in the One Hundred and Seventh Illinois have been finally mustered out. Captain GIDDINGS was buried one week ago last Sunday; on last Saturday Thomas GARDINER was buried, and on last Sunday John SCHLAFKE made the third.
After a brief illness, John Schlafke died at his home in this city on last Saturday, and on Sunday afternoon he was followed to the grave by Frank Lowry Post, G. A. R., of which he was a member, and by the Sons of Veterans. The funeral services were held at his home in the First Ward, and were conducted by the Rev. D. MacARTHUR. John Schlafke was a brave soldier and he was buried with the honors of war. A firing party was detailed as an escort to Woodlawn Cemetery, and after the beautiful and touching ritual service was read by Commander LEMON and Chaplain ARMSTRONG, the gun squad formed on each side of the grave and fired the farewell salute. Then Orrie HARRISON stepped to the head of the grave and sounded "Taps" on the bugle. A soldier's funeral is simple and solemn.
John Schlafke was a native of Prussia, Germany, and was born on the 24th of December, 1830. He emigrated to this country in the year 1854, and four years later he came to this county. In August, 1862, he enlisted in Co. D, One Hundred and Seventh Illinois Infantry, and served till the 21st of June, 1865, when he was discharged at Salisbury, North Carolina. At the battle of Franklin a shell exploded over John Schlafke's head, and as he advanced in years he felt the effects of the concussion more and more. After the war he married in Clinton and settled down to the peaceful pursuits of life. One daughter and wife are left to mourn for their loved one. For years John followed the avocation of farming, but he was finally compelled to quit it on account of the trouble in his head. He then bought a home in Clinton.