Illinois Regiments in the Siege of Corinth
(Corinth, Mississippi)
(April 29 - May 30, 1862)


In the aftermath of the huge losses on both sides at the Battle of Shiloh, Union Major General Henry Halleck decided a more deliberate and cautious approach would yield better results with fewer casualties. Halleck went into the field, took command from Grant, and ordered the concentration of most of the Union armies in the West. This included Grant's former Army of the Tennessee now under Major General Thomas, Buell's Army of the Ohio, and Pope's Army of the Mississippi. Halleck chose as his target the vital rail junction of Corinth, Mississippi.

The Confederates were not unaware of the importance of Corinth. The north-south Gulf and Mobile railroad intersected the east-west Charleston and Memphis railroad at Corinth. Confederate General P.G.T. Beauregard also assembled a large army to defend Corinth, building strong fortifications.

Neither side was eager to assault the others lines. Halleck had his troops dig fortifications following every movement of troops, digging seven different defense lines during the Siege. Instead, both sides chose to let dysentary and disease thin their ranks. Both sides were severely weakened due to an impure water supply in the area.

Beauregard finally decided the only way to save his army was to withdraw from Corinth. Following some deceptive maneuvers, the Confederates quietly slipped away to Tupelo. The fall of Corinth was soon followed by the fall of Fort Pillow and Memphis on the Mississippi River, leaving only Vicksburg as the main Confederate hold on the river.

The Illinois regiments which took part in the Siege of Corinth are listed below. The links will take you to the regimental pages.

Source: Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, Dyer's Compendium

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